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Everything posted by bananathumb

  1. Nice. Put our weak safety beside him.
  2. That is how I look at it. Hope to see progress with the young talent and coaching, but avoid that 4-7 win season. It's unfortunate but necessary that the season unfold as it has. Somebody's smiling down at us, so far.
  3. Just going by Mark Gaughn's article in the News today (nobody else seems to have brought it up), Andrew Luck will almost certainly stay at Stanford next year. The biggest reason is that the potential lock-out will still be up in the air when college players have to decide whether they are coming out for the draft. If he figures there will be no NFL football in 2011, he will have all the more reason to stay at Stanford. It is a perfect example of the Bills' bad luck that the year they need a QB and have a top pick to get one, the highest-rated one stays in school and makes the pick all that more risky (given the busts this organization has had.) Unbelievable!
  4. 0-16 would be exactly the kind of negative attention that ego-blind Wilson needs to get him to open his fat wallet and pay for an NFL franchise.
  5. You are seeing what I am about this weak safety. He avoids a straight-on tackle since he got run over by Sammy a couple years ago. Either dives at ankles or shoulder blocks. Cowardly piling on frequently. Guy is a showboat suck.
  6. Fine with me. Time to clear out the losers. Whitner hopefully next to go, then Evans.
  7. Won't be Browns or Lions. They get to play the Bills.
  8. I've watched them since the 70s and yes this is the low point. Fact is, they never were any good - four straight SP losses - yet I have kept hoping they would hire an intelligent coach/GM combo (not a Levy lover). Chan seems OK, but the Kelsay and Edwards fiasco has done it for me. This is the first time I don't care. Don't care if they win or lose, don't care if they get a top draft pick or not. They'll just blow it again and again. I don't have luck with my teams. In baseball, I have watched ExposNationals miss playoffs 29 years straight, but even the Washington Nationals have more upside than this Buffalo disaster. Go Bills...go to hell.
  9. Yes, i am the idiot who woke up this morning and saw that i had posted something yesterday called "Buffalo is a Bush League City". Well, I didn't read it and don't remember what I wrote. Yesterday was not my day and I got into a funk and some bad stuff and must have decided to take it out on Buffalo, which of course I know nothing about. All i can do is apolize and learn a lesson. I apologize if I upset anyone. (I didn't read the replies, but deserve whatever they said. Sorry for wasting your time too.) I won't read any replies to this post either; better if I just stay away from message boards and booze for a while. I feel like an ass and need to grow up a little. Sincerely, Bananathumb
  10. Recently went over the border to a tuesday night Bisons game. Maybe a hundred in the stands. Free tickets where i ate dinner. Talked to the bartender, who said about the down-town workers: "they all go home. This place is dead." No newspaper coverage of baseball or football. (Hey, the Sabres are out of it now.) Hey Buffalo, things are going on. hire some reporters.
  11. Another Buffalo Bills joke. Almost worse than ralph Wilson.
  12. Nice pick, Levy, you loser.
  13. Whitner is all talk, no play. He'd throw anyone under the bus. Shuld Be long gone from Buffalo. For Christ's sake, Donte, grow up.
  14. It will take time for the gailey offense to jell and in the meantime, our young players gain experience that eventually pays off. By year's end, this will be a much better O. QB - either a holding pattern or one of the four "gets it" This will be the biggest question mark. RB - a strength, a big strenth OL - serviceable if Bell recovers and pans out, good interior youngsters WR - Spiller will help deflect attention from Nelson, Evans and the new WRs. Screens and dump offs, etc. Not a strength, but as good as some teams. Secondary - our biggest strength, with talent and depth LBs - the second biggest question mark (personally, i don't think we have any good LBs) Dline - will take time, but we have the big bodies Special teams - pretty solid Coaching - better be better! So, really it will the QBs and LBs (and the coaches) who determine this season's success. All I'm hoping is that a few young guys perform like Byrd did last year and we stay relatively uninjured for a change.
  15. Who needs skinny-legged receivers? We are going to run the ball. 40-50 times per game. Kill the clock and don't get blown out. Jackson left, Spiller, right, Lynch up the gut. Roscoe around the end. QB sneak. Wildcat.
  16. Little Donte is too small and weak to play SS - see him get run over by Sammie Morris. He is too slow for FS. See him chase receivers into our end zone. He is dirty, see him chase receivers into the end zone and tackle them afterwards, See him pile on when the RB is already down and under three of our guys. He is basically worthless or - worse - a negative on the defense.
  17. Make a play, Twitterboy, earn your dough. Concentrate on the football field. What a twit!
  18. Thanks for the work involved in posting something like this, something I would never be able (or willing) to do. It just makes you even more amazed that Modrak keeps his job. Not a good feeling for what will happen with this year's bunch. Wish they would finally fire his ass.
  19. Nice report. I'm skeptical about football players recovering from serious injuries, especially when they weigh 300 pounds, but it is good to hear these reports about how well Wood seems to be recuperating. He's an important cog for the next 10 years if he can stay healthy. Also good to hear about the size of Levitre. Maybe our line won't be so bad after all. I'm not at all surprised what you said about Edwards and Brohm. But thanks again for giving us a little projection into the future. Much appreciated.
  20. I will be watching closely to see what Chan & Co think of useless turds like Whitner, Kelsay, Hardy and McCargo. They make big money and contribute little. What would you do if you inherited a bunch like that? Yep, me too.
  21. I have a feeling that Brohm will be too dumb to impress Chan, which will mean that they have to count on TE and RF to do the job one more year until Brown is either ready or they draft a QB high in the next draft. Don't think they'll risk putting Brown on the PS, so unless BB is still eligible for the PS, he's gone. There is a reason he couldn't make it in GBay. Trent might have a few good games, get hurt and Fitz can maybe win a few more. Give Brown a shot near the end. It'll be a long season, but THE PLAN will be to take babysteps towards a real NFL team in the future.
  22. It's the title. "Made men" means something that is outside of football and this is a football board.
  23. WGR has no football reporter, unless you count hockey boy Hamilton, a sad excuse doing double duty.
  24. Why give Hardy a break? Isn't his absence typical of what we've seen of this sad choice? WHEN is he going to contribute to this team? He got his signing bonus and signed out. Most people could have predicted it, but not Marv Levy.
  25. If he was there and Brown didn't mention him, then yeah, I find that odd and troubling. He can't crack a rookie squad?
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