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Everything posted by bananathumb

  1. Now that is a football player. reminds me of Flutie, our last decent QB. Love to see the look on Saban's face every time Jonny beat his defense. Just like Chan, no head coach can win without a D. Too bad Manziel won't be coming out in the next draft.
  2. I'll watch. Most of their games will be blacked from here on in, so might as well catch one that isn't.
  3. Buddy is just saying whatever will keep him around a while longer. It's always the same with Buffalo: throw the crowd a few off-season crumbs to keep them buying tickets and jerseys.
  4. To the OP, good presentation. I always think your way, but this year don't worry: they'll be lucky to win another game or two no matter how hard they try. Barkley should be there for the picking.
  5. You destroyed your argument when you mentioned that Wanny failed to blitz in the red zone. Chan is the head coach and does nothing about his hopeless DC. How can you defend Chan by pointing out his weakness?
  6. Yeah, he cost us that TD to the TE. Check out the film. He was playing RDE and took the bait on the fake bootleg that ended up with Schaun throwing deep to his right.
  7. I agree that Chan is handcuffed by his pitiful QB, but that doesn't mean you should be out-schemed by the opposition's DC when you had two weeks to prepare, or that you should panic when Wade throws the run blitz at you in the first series of the game. Chan is slipping badly, along with his players. His offense used to be one of our strengths. But again, I do agree that with Fitpatrick as QB about all you can do is hand off.
  8. Definitely true about Wilson and Wannstedt. I have always admired Gailey, but recently he has been making horrible decisions. Yesterday, he whimped out on 4th and 1 or 2 several times and then wondered why we lost. He mis-managed the clock. He called passing plays from his inept QB because Wade fooled by run blitzing at the game's start. He is showing his cowardly side and like Wanny's, it isn't pretty in the NFL when you are facing smarter and gutsier coaches. Very disappointing about Chan, but he seems to be wilting under the pressure. Hope he bounces back. The other two never will.
  9. Where are all the Bills fans who wanted Ryan over Trent? Well, you got what you wanted. Good call.
  10. Should have kept Trent. At least he had talent.
  11. You should have known better, if you've been a Bills fan for very long.
  12. $60, million of Ralphs money wasted. $100 million also wasted. Good to see.
  13. Too bad we didn't get totally embarrassed. That's the only thing Wilson won't tolerate, if he's still even conscious.
  14. Wish we would cut our kickers and never try field goals. we might sometimes win games.
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