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Everything posted by bananathumb

  1. Glad some idiots are happy. Keep buying those tickets. Ralph appreciares you.
  2. On the game coverage, Mark Kelso (who has played in the league) was constantly praising Brooks' play, so I am a little confused how different those here are bashing it. Is Kelso as bad at commenting as he was a player?
  3. Chan will never know that running the ball in Buffalo is what you need to do.
  4. There is no leadership. 1. Absentee owner 2. Shadowy money man (Littman) who can't be touched 3. Salesman with as much power as the GM 4. GM on verge of retirement 5. Head coach in over his head 6. D coordinator the league has passed by 7. QB without talent 8. 100 Million dollar DE who couldn't lead a bee to pollen The Buffalo Bills are the blueprint for failure in sports franchising.
  5. Fitzpatrick gone would make Chan and Wanny "better". Bringing in a replacement head coach isn't gonna make Fitzstupid better.
  6. I hope Wilson and his henchmen never get another WNY or Ontario dollar. Fck them.
  7. Gotta coddle our loser QB, right Chan? He's gonna take you down with him, buddy. I'd rather bring back Dick and Trent than face another year with Chan and Ryan.
  8. This ain't rocket science. All a Bills QB has to is hand it off 60 percent of the time, throw a few long bombs to loosen things up (hopefully connecting on some) and then throw a few sceens, outs and medium-down-the middle stuff to Chandler. How long does it take to do that. TJ has been here for months!
  9. Wonder if we would have better with Trent? How could we have been worse? Anyway, Fitz has cost us 3 years of our lives.
  10. What is stopping the FO from playing a guy for whom they gave up a draft pick, when the alternative is starting Ryan game after game after game? We know the Fitz experiment is over, so why not find out how bad/good TT is before the end of 2012?
  11. It's that old crumb-bum in Detroit we should be boycotting. No-one go to any more games. Don't get him a dollar.
  12. Even when we're desperate, ****head Wannstedt won't bring the house. Just chickenshit coaching.
  13. Sad that a loser like Fit is gonna get Spiller killed on his horrible passes.
  14. Chan has a hot girl who wants him (Spiller) but he sticks with his wife (Fitz). Loyal but dumb.
  15. It's Ok guys, we will get a better chance now to pick another CB in the first.
  16. Hey, Wilson, if you ain't having your afternoon nap. Did you see your team's performance with 58 seconds left? They not only don't get a first down or run out the clock. They punt the ball back and let Indi move the ball down for a FG and almost a TD. Someone should be fired, Ralph. Wake up!
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