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Everything posted by bananathumb

  1. I want TYler Thigpen - he'll win it for us. Real smart, not giving T Jackson a tryout.
  2. Anyone who thinks a Harvard QB can play in the NFL would never get into Harvard. LOL
  3. That Dareus was quite a pick, eh? Five yards into the backfield every play. Our backfield, that is.
  4. Nice passes Ryan. You suck. Good job, Buddy, of taking Graham ahead of Wilson. You suck worse than Ryan.
  5. After decades of watching, CJ is the only RB I have seen who can get outside on an NFL defense. Almost like he's playing in high school.
  6. Face it...NOBODY knows how good a college QB will be in the NFL. That's why the kid we are playing today went in the 3rd round. It's a total crapshoot, but you gotta pick somebody and Barkley probably has as much chance as anyone.
  7. All this draft a QB talk is Ralph ordering Nix to stir up interest in next season the only way possible: convince the masses that a young QB will make the Bumbling Bills worth spending money on. Salesmanship #1 from Detroit's Great Insurance Shyster.
  8. All anyone who is a Bills fan can do is wait for the inevitable.
  9. Chan's offense is fine until it hits the red zone; then it wilts (partly because we have no QB), but mainly because Chan is afraid to gamble. Just wants to kick safe FGs from 35 yards. Loves to go into halftime winning 6-0. Punts anytime the FG is 50 yards or more. He is just a scared old man playing against aggressive young coaches. His DC is just the same. Refuses to blitz, afraid of letting his CBs get burned. Plating not to lose. Did you see what Fisher did in the final minute when Fitz dropped back? He sent the house and sacked him immediately. Wannstedt would never have done that. The Buffalo Bills are afraid to win. Not exactly news to anyone, but still needs to be said.
  10. He's as much of a gutless DC as Chan is a scared HC. Can't win gambling with scared money. Ask Jimmy Johnson.
  11. Why would anyone wait on hold for those two losers?
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