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Dylan's Dad

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  1. Takeo Spikes is impotent?
  2. This is mindless and stupid, but I want him to get hurt as well. He is a piece of sh___t period!!!!!!!!!
  3. Often when I watch the games I sit back and wonder how do these guys take and give out these hits over and over? I know they are payed well and they get all the attention, but how do there bodies take it? I think of how tough it is to get out of bed or off the couch when we are sick or have a bad headache or are just tired. These guys must play with constant headaches and beaten up bodies. I think of how they constantly have brush burns from sliding on the turf, yet many do not bleed or show those marks on there skin. In the blistering heat, they wear all that equipment and get crushed by 2/3 300 lb guys,while we sit in the stands and complain how hot it is in the stands. Then I sit and wonder how they play in zero degree temps and get slammed on frozen turf and pop right up. I am sure if I was getting the amount of tail these guys get and cashing those bigs checks, it might be a lot easier to see how they do it week after week.
  4. One question for you upper deck lovers - section 329 row 4 was available. How is that section? I thought you might have the feeling of being too far to the right of the field. This section is past the goal line. Chris from the ticket office said I could call to see if anything better would open up. Does anyone have the handicapped seats in the upper deck? A scummy friend of mine buys them for SAbres games since few people think to buy them. My dad will go to some games and he can no longer go up stairs well. Just wondering Doug
  5. Clump - see you have the seats I want - You long time season ticket holder you!!!!!!!! I wonder how long it might take me to get down that low???? How long have you had your seats and did a quality upgrade take you many years? In my opinion, you almost have the best seats in the house. Well maybe middle red seats are better but you are close.
  6. Bill, Sorry, I only have 2. Promo I agree that more people need to get off there wallet and buy them. In my opinion, the gameday experience is priceless. How can so many people who live in Buffalo, not go to the games. I think many are just too cheap. A huge flaw in many WNYer's.
  7. I know some people think the upper deck are the nose bleeds, but not me. I feel they are the best as far as seeing the plays develop. I feel comfortable there in August as well as in December. I do not like being so low you can't see the other end of the field. The only lower seatsworthit in my opinion as taken by long standing season ticket holders. My goal is to have really good seats by the time my son Dylan is ready.(currently he is 2)
  8. I put down my deposit last month and was kinda surprised I couldn't do a little better then row 15 on the tunnel end of the 20yrd line. My goal was get as low as possible in upper deck and be on the Bills side. The lowest row that was available on either side was row 4 in 329. I like row 4, but felt it was too close to the end, past the endzone. Some will say take the visitors side because of the sun, but I truly feel out of place if I am not on the Bills side. I was told 331 will be around the 20-25yrd line and it was the best available at the time. Chris from the Bills ticket office was very cool and patient with me on the phone. Does anyone on the board sit in this section or near me - 331 row 15??? I live in Charlotte, so most games will be available for sale. My email is Hugebillsfan1@yahoo.com One last point, if I can buy seasons to support this team while living 600 miles away, so can some of you!!!!!! At this point, I could care less how many games I attend or if some don't get used. It just feels good to have season tickets again. I am the artist formally known as Bills/Sabres fan Doug in Indian Trail, NC
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