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Everything posted by SUNTANBILLS FAN

  1. A lot of us are not whining we are just pointing out flaws that we see. None of us are coaches which makes even more frustrating. Here are few examples: your QB is struggling with 2 starting OL down. You do not keep doing deep drop long progressing pass plays. You run the ball more. Motor is averaging somewhere on the 5yds a carry. Your QB is throwing numerous picks in the red zone stop throwing and run with the stud RB we have. On defense We are the worst team at 3 and long. And the last few weeks our tackling has been horrible. These are all coachable things that can be fixed. The d line rotation thing is baffling. You can see a guy make a 3 yard behind the line tackle and leave the game. I'm always like how is it we just destroyed the line of scrimmage and the next play look like we can't get penetration. Then I noticed the trend of make a play go sit a play. What ever happened to play your best 5 and if they are tired sit a play or two. Now that said we are definitely not at full strength. And I think we are still winning because we have heart and talent. The coaches need to adjust to what we have and things will continue to get better. Go bills
  2. Frazier sucks but really injuries are our problem
  3. We beat the giants too
  4. Ok who here is not another homerun throw back
  5. Hey was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor no!
  6. Common tre where are you we need you
  7. Ok common can we please get tre in
  8. He is feeling it give him the rock
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