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Everything posted by SUNTANBILLS FAN

  1. Nick wright 0-17 more like it lol
  2. Nick wright how's that 17-0 looking now lol
  3. False start also
  4. So why is it the rt can twitch when set are the lions not telling the ref to watch
  5. Offense I'm good starters sit
  6. By week6 "Buffalo is amazing" he flip flops all the time
  7. So sad no one gets it! He wants to win and feels we played horrible. He wants to be more involved not less. diggs I'm with you get him the ball!! Also he is holding all accountable. We are to good not to get a ring
  8. Funny how we have peaked? The jets are hoping old ass Arron Rodgers has gas left. Wait till his first bad game and the New York press gets him. The dolphins have one concussion away from retirement Tua. And we got rid of Leslie i can't stop 3 rd and forever.
  9. Arizona get d hop and a pick
  10. Why because you don't want a productive back?
  11. This is the dude that drove to Detroit injured because he wasn't cleared to fly! True badass and part of the best safety tandem in the league
  12. LFG I didn't want him to leave!!!!!!!!! BBB now get Delvin or Henry draft OL and go and get Hopkins
  13. Welll I hope I don't get another ban but I've been saying all along the d line rotation sucks, soft zone on 3 and forever sucks. And we'll Fraizer is a nice guy but his schemes suck
  14. hey Leslie you might be a great guy but you horrible as a Dc
      • 1
      • Agree
  15. We got Fraizered
  16. My post game comment Leslie Fraizer has sucked since he got here I've said it since he got here! He sucks. Man imagine this team with a real dc
  17. Here is the real problem our defense coordinator is horrible! He has been horrible for 3 seasons! Look at 3 and forever they always give up the 1 down. Look at 13 seconds with a 3 point lead why play any defense. His d line rotation is horrible! One play we look like we destroy the play next it's a first down! All because the playmaker is sitting. Also why take guys off it and not play them? If Bedford and hyde needed so much time why take them off ir
  18. I have too his ***** d line rotation takes out playmakers after they make a play! His read and react soft zone never stops 3 and forever! He is horrible been saying it for 3 years Me too Fraizer has sucked for 3 seasons why does everyone say he is so good
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