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Everything posted by Thailog80

  1. Why is that back on the bench on crucial third downs?
  2. Just when I think maybe.....they frig up. Nice run by Duckett now also.
  3. Enough of this picking it up bullschitt.
  4. Takeo looked pissed....he knows he's hurt. Best of luck.
  5. No grounding was a horrid call.
  6. Is too soft...the run is killing us.
  7. Caption " I didn't even get a reach around"
  8. Cross your fingers.
  9. Not me I respect your football knowledge greatly pal.
  10. Unlike Daddy whose pants are usually around his ankles when he's pounding away.
  11. May it be a masculine baby boy.
  12. Sorry.........Now I have to join Luca Brazi.
  13. He was always smarter.
  14. Im not glad we got beat but by losing I hope these guys have a fire lit under there asses.
  15. Anyone care to venture B.Harami98 new home will be on the range, where the deer and the anteldopes post, by the end of today?
  16. One reception for minus one yard.
  17. BB cries because Stephen Davis touchdown beat his little patsies....boo hoo Billie you've had plenty of BS'ers called your way.
  18. Jones and his twelve person hot tub shaped like Texas Stadium. That commercial is so repulsive and arrogant.
  19. Dude it's nine thirty in the AM and you have cleveland steamers on your mind? You're an ill man Tate.
  20. One of your gerbils get loose?
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