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Everything posted by Thailog80

  1. No but I'd love to steal LenDale White from underneath NE's nose.
  2. If Ngata,Davis,Huff,Williams are all gone. Childress wants a young QB to groom in his system. Minny picks at 17 I believe. Switch spots and get the second rounder from them also (They have an extra one now)...hell get both. If they want Cutler bad enough....we got 'em by the nads.
  3. You didn't know we released LM?
  4. But the Seahawks (Milloys hometown team) want to talk to him also. Mr. Poston dicked around w/ Cinci and they signed Dexter Jackson instead of LM. I don't see no fruit basket!
  5. I heard on NFL Network that DC most likely wont be ready for the opener and the Fins may get Tommy Maddox due to his familiarity w/ MM's system.
  6. I thought it was a little breezy in here.
  7. At least I'll have plenty of company in hell
  8. Ralphy is having the darndest time with his Atari.
  9. Like I didnt already have reservations? Come on Tate? Besides all my pals will be there waiting for me with some cold ones ready.
  10. This is the Buffalo Bills we're talking about right? Fat frigging chance.
  11. Can you feel the energy at RWS now Reg-gie Reg-gie Reg-gie
  12. How much money? TAXI !!!
  13. !@#$ off canuck. j/k
  14. They're like frigging locusts here today.....they just keep coming in droves.
  15. Will this work Satisfied?
  16. HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. So Meshawn will be going on his fourth team. Wow.
  18. I have a big hunch that he goes there.
  19. No one heard her cries of ......aaaaa....aaaaaaa
  20. Keyshawn goes to NE.....bank on it.
  21. Never could hold his liquor. That Elva can sure make a possum roast that'll plum melt in yer mouth. Damn good woman....can milk a hunnerd cows and still make a hell of a dinner.
  22. That senior discount outta impress the schitt out of him.
  23. Not yet Ralph is still showing him around Buffalo in his Taurus.
  24. Santonio "John" Holmes.
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