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Everything posted by Thailog80

  1. Mike Pucillo is susceptable to a bull rush? I've never heard that before.
  2. I'd like to turn it into cole slaw look at them and say..."Is that your grandchildren?"
  3. It used to be sooo peaceful here. THEY moved in last week.....I told the realtor when they came to pick up the lawn sign next to me ..."You might as well stick that in my lawn now".
  4. Someone hear suggested I do it. Whoever it was I thank you!
  5. I'm listening to the fat slob woman neighbor I have next to me B word at her juvenile delinquent kids.
  6. After a half dozen unreturned phone calls I left them another message. This time I gave them until today or I filed a fraudulent claim with my Visa carrier. Amazingly I heard back from them in less than an hour.......imagine that. They claimed they lost my order. The guy said he would sent it out today. Now as I logged on to my e-mail I have one from RJ.com. They express their apologies and said a special gift from RJ.com is on the way also.... I'll bet it's a coupon for 1/2 off my next order.......Yeah I'm sure they'll see another one from me. So I'll see on Tuesday if they're people of their word. They said they were 2 day airing it from Nevada.
  7. Have a good one man.
  8. Have a good one AD...Rip some Libs!!
  9. Thank you I did not know that.
  10. Can he go on the PUP list like Willis did last season?
  11. Either McFarland or Jonathon Smith. No Frez it doesn't change the 17 wins. Thanks for the kick in the nuts as a reminder.
  12. Removed by me to stop all the blat asses.
  13. The US Olympic committee told them to take care of there own mistake.
  14. Olandis Gary Yeah he certainly wouldve helped in the Ohilly game last year I know. But would he have held up?
  15. As Stevestojan pointed out....We're not even at the tailgate yet!!! Way to go TBD'ers. We stepped up to the plate and hammered one into the seats for our beloved site!!! Only a little bit more to go!!! TBD/TSW'ers = Good peeps!
  16. Ricky's Ride I loved the description...No signs of a smoker? LOL!!! I wonder if they checked for a baggie under the seasts... Times gettin' tough already Rick? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  17. When I said I'd give you a Hummer if you let me go I DIDN'T MEAN THIS ONE!!!!!
  18. For the last goddamn time..." No I am not Bob Marley!"
  19. AYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Here's to you KG!
  20. Mike Williams This is wrong. I can't believe they won't allow him. Is he an unrestricted F/A now?
  21. Coach Mularkey told him to keep a STIFF upper lip.
  22. Peters? Beard? Smith?
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