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Everything posted by Thailog80

  1. It's tough. The house will stay clean and I will have no one asking me for pb&j sammiches with the crust cut off......
  2. No ....she wouldn't agree to it....I tried!!! She'll be wearing her Bledsoe jersey this Sunday though. Eryn....Im having a tough day...
  3. Tom ...Did you get my PM?
  4. Two is plenty....I had a tough time with my boy too but we had the little one. Now the little one is off to school. I stayed until ten this morning until they tossed us out . Some people just tossed their kids in there and said bye and left the kid blubbering and scared....that pissed me off.
  5. Sounds like my little girl. She was ready...I was not.
  6. She told me that she'll only marry a boy who is a Buffalo Bills fan..... She knows how to play the old man pretty well.
  7. College? Oh I don't even want to think of that.
  8. It's been my little girl (Avery) and I together at home for four years now. Today the big bad mean school system took her away for six hours a day. Talk about daddy's heart breaking....I miss her terribly already. But we're coming to Buffalo on Saturday..........WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. New Fishy RB ? Someone new to dislike.....
  10. Thank you Scott ! Thanks to all the TBD'ers that contributed.
  11. Great job . I just listened to that interview also. Im ready to roll!!!
  12. God is pumping ICE? LOL.....
  13. He was damn near automatic here in Buffalo. Anyone remember that FG he made in NE a few years back to send the game into OT....We also won it in OT. That was in excess of 50 yards in nasty conditions. He sent it through......I swear the ball never got higher than 15 ft.....Great kick. If memory serves me correctly that was the same game that Drew got his finger snagged in Sam Rogers facemask in the 1st quarter and left the game. Sam Cowart was a monster that day also.
  14. Yeah I agree with that.
  15. Clarence works the drive thru and Antonio Brown is on Fry detail.
  16. Haven't you guys learned it yet? NFL rules are not applicable in Foxboro.
  17. Is Ty Law still going to be a Patriot? I haven't heard anything of them fixing the 1.5 million under the cap that they needed to be. Dillon restructured but they still need room. Tomorrow by 4pm all teams need to be under the cap.
  18. Maybe they'll add him to the PS after the first game and same some money.
  19. Can you get the Sunday Ticket on Dish Network? It used to not be available to them but maybe times have changed. Anyways go with Direct TV IMHO.
  20. Yeah I am also!!!
  21. Gotto go with Brady. It will be raining thursday night ( Frances fallout) and the Pats will dink and dunk all night.
  22. Maybe he wishes he didn't sulk so much now.
  23. I find it odd that we filled all eight spots already.
  24. Practice Squad Peters is back so is Sobieski and others. Lauvale is back Indy!!!!
  25. I could use one spot if any are still available. Does my handicapped permit get me any special perks?
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