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Everything posted by Thailog80

  1. Yeah I know he's a team guy and it doesnt bother him, in public, but shame on that organization and Norv Turner more specifically for not getting him a ball.
  2. Pessimestic reality.....we're 0-2.......
  3. The Pats will punk us for our milk money. They are disaplined and well coached and play to the talents of their players.
  4. Belicheck will have trouble with our offense? LOL....Classic.....Tequila Wings October 3rd?
  5. He's here until his contract runs out. So since firing him now or him leaving on his own. The whole staff is his.
  6. The spot of the hold is a "Judgement call" not subject to review.
  7. Steve is that our playbook as your avatar?
  8. Hey Im searching for a positive. We finally got to see Evans speed...albeit too little too late.
  9. It was a bull stevestojan call.
  10. Familiar pattern isn't it?
  11. Green has the cards at least playing hard. I overlook no one at this point. Hofsta would make me nervous if they were on our schedule.
  12. People in glass houses.
  13. Some smart ass on the Raiders tied some GHB to McGee....
  14. You had me at Hello.......This team sucks.
  15. Oh I know EM has the dropsies also. But Reed consistantly has them. I agree with your post...my point is come on Josh...take the next step its year three.
  16. Yup it was the butterfingered Reed.
  17. Im starting to think the "B" word is going to get tossed around this guy very soon.....of course he'll drop it. Stop dropping passes kid. I want you to succeed but that's not the way to stay in good graces of anyone.
  18. They've put a stake through mine.............again.
  19. I've been trying to figure it out. What the hell has happened to my beloved Bills? I can't believe what I saw on the field yesterday. Once again no pressure from the DE spot, no turnovers generated by the D, Sacks galore on Drew,dropped passes by Reed (EM also), an OL like a sive(sp), penalties after penalties. Dumb blown coverages. Im still giving MM time but Drew is ready for the QB boneyard.
  20. Seriously? 1) Penalties 2) Sacks 3) Offense is horrid 4) Defense is at best average 5) Bledsoe is finished...ZERO mobility. 6) Moulds and Reed would have a hard time catching a cold right now. 7) We average ten points a friggin' game......and give up thirteen. 8) Oh yeah we have a lot of stupid players. I like Drew very much but the handwriting is on the wall.
  21. He's done. Thats the oldest 32 year old Ive ever seen.
  22. Nothing! Evidently we all bought into the smash mouth philosophy but the Bills didnt. I cant believe what Im watching. Im really disheartened by what Im watching. Drew is done...at least here he is. He's the sad sack quarterback.
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