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Everything posted by Thailog80

  1. Brian....you and I were both sold a bill of goods that we naively gobbled up again.
  2. Not timeouts I mean challenges.I know its hindsight but if he didnt fumble out of the endzone then NE can't challenge the fumble call on their own WR right? Talk about having the deck stacked against us? We can't catch a break.
  3. Don't let the door............
  4. Dont forget about Campbell (average at best) and Neufeld and Euhus. Im just venting tonight fella's Im sooooo sick of losing.
  5. Seattle........oh man we need a moniker for that game. How 'bout " Clueless in Seattle?"
  6. On his usual football season sabbatical?
  7. Who is this R.Rich you speak of?
  8. That's why it eats me up. Christ did we break a mirror or something?
  9. When he and Vince Woolfolk hit helmets.
  10. I can't wait until the second round of the 05 draft to get some help here.
  11. I don't want to hear Modrak either. He's almost just as balls deep into this mess as TD. What are we supposed to do for a GM? Im not thilled with TD but please give me some viable options?
  12. I think some of our guys are playing with plastic bags over their heads.
  13. Give him Coy Wire to take with him too.
  14. Coy Wire should have it covered...........unless it runs by him.
  15. If I don't laugh at them also I might cry.
  16. Anyone else? What have these guys done to me? It's so easy to predict this team......Hell even I could game plan against us. I don't know about you but Im at a point of pure rage with this team right now.
  17. Can somebody fugging correct them please?
  18. How'd they do? Oh the usual.
  19. How many of you saw that coming? Coy Wire is horrendous. That stuff is inexcuseable IMHO.
  20. I think it was the holding on third and one that killed us.....plus having Coy Wire on the field killed us.
  21. That stevestojan is just unbelievable.
  22. It's maddening isn't it?
  23. The Jets will pound the stevestojan out of us. Jonathon Vilma will be on Bledsoe like NE was.
  24. I know it's his knee but any further word on it?
  25. Arizona..............I owe you an apology ICE.
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