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Everything posted by Thailog80

  1. And TH wears pumps....... Say...come to think of it maybe on short yardage situations he should? Hmmm
  2. I'll stick up for Bledsoe on the Neufeld pass. On the replay you can clearly see the NT (Woolfolk or Traylor's) arm raised high at the LOS. Drew had to throw it high....or it would've been knocked down.
  3. If the father and son were Pats fans I don't feel that bad.....
  4. If we win this week I believe 3-3 is in the near future....if we lose I honestly see a 1-6 in our future.
  5. Why are you assuming Reed would've caught it?
  6. RIP Rodney. That sucks.
  7. Hahahaha That's pretty funny.
  8. Hope everyone is okay Sue.
  9. I was hoping for a replay of the '85 series.
  10. To quote Yogi Berra speaking to Bernie Williams in the '98 playoffs......"Relax kid we've been beating this guys for 80 years"
  11. Yokozuna.......snap ball on hutsan.
  12. Ain't that the truth.
  13. It chipped their tooth.....
  14. Vibrator Terror Why does it have to be a marital aid? Dildo and/ or Vibrator might get them docked 25 points?
  15. He sucks anyways. Waste of 2 million bucks. He's always getting blown up........toss him on the scrap heap.
  16. And not one hold....go figure?
  17. Six or seven seems like 74 to me.
  18. Jeez remember when Pete Kendall was released and we wanted him? We'll see him this sunday lined up across from us......damn he'd have made a fine center for us. I think he's playing guard for the jets.
  19. Time for someone to step up and Wally Pip Teagues ass.
  20. Ask Rusty Wallace about a couple of Bristol races.
  21. Personally I now hope he wins the title.....takes the trophy then calls them all c*cksuckers and hands it to the number two finisher. To me this makes Nascar look like the cheesers they really are. Playoffs in car racing? Give me a fuggin break. Don't they bill Daytona as "The Superbowl" of Nascar? That would be the equivalant of the Superbowl during kickoff weekend......Nascar sold out their fans to corperate america.....and didnt even have the dignity to wipe their chins off afterwards.
  22. I hear worse on Primetime TV. I love it...Nascar fining the son of the "ICON" that brought them where they are today. A guy that died promoting their so called "sport".
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