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Everything posted by Thailog80

  1. It should be on Comedy central........That election was a howler.
  2. If Ricky Comes back and repeatedly fails his drug tests do the fish have to repay him? Would he have to pay back the money he owes the fishies? This plot gets thicker by the minute.
  3. Should say " Noise Maker"
  4. Im holding back the crocodile tears as I type.
  5. Hello Nikki. Your dad sure raised you right!!!! Enjoy the game!!!!
  6. Next Aprils Draft early in the second round.
  7. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
  8. That was the subtle overtone of the post.
  9. Something about Pat Williams and Sam Adams in Football pants juuuuust doesn't do it for me.
  10. Ummmm......Okaaaaay.
  11. I will not get excited about this team until we are at least .500. Anything less is unexceptable. WE deserve it.
  12. No's he's playing Santa at the Gallaria Mall and will get his first sack of mail today.
  13. How many Pat Pats would that be?
  14. Only if Chad Penninton rests his on RD.....
  15. I shudder to think, given this teams recent track record, what COULD happen today.
  16. Force turnovers and capitalize on them. Takewaways not giveaways.
  17. Our fourth game of the season and our DE's are held "Sackless"..ahem....so far this season. That stat is just maddening to me.
  18. You have to realize that AD is an ****. Big AB by Sierra......
  19. Isn't that the truth. Those nasty street thug's A-Rod and Jeter.......Some role models for America's youth.
  20. Big game.
  21. Yup It's all the Yankees and Bush's fault........ Baseball sucks because of Bud Selig.
  22. I was thinking that very same thought.
  23. I was thinking the same thing Tate.
  24. damn...you mean machines that clip grass? GOLLLLLYYYYYY
  25. Yeah I guess I did. Chris Evert LLoyd I meant.
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