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Everything posted by Thailog80

  1. Slatevalleysports.com
  2. I think I can find out who representes MV and go that way. Whatever happens I will ruin this guy at memorabilia shows.
  3. Private Deal Jay.
  4. The kids dad is a friend of a friend. Im trying to obtain a jersey to replace the fake one.
  5. Fake Autographs This scum sold a 12 year old boy a fake Michael Vick jersey for $600.00. The kid went to have it verified and the company that does it returned it to him and verified it a FAKE. The POS refuses to give a refund. I feel badly for the kid as he is very ill and his dad wanted to cheer him up by getting him a Vick jersey....his favorite player. This guy is a major POS. Beware and never ever by anything from this guy.
  6. Now she could suck start a Harley!
  7. It could be worse. Ed could loan you his car for the weekend.
  8. Cerrano wants to sacrifice a live chicken. We can't have people puking before the game.
  9. CP= Arbor hill?
  10. I believe it's the number one car in america to be rear ended. Coincidence....I think not.
  11. Hey....that could be fun. I can see the TU sports section now...." 42 Bills fans arrested at SUNY Albany for making Giants QB Johnson cry".
  12. Oh hellz yeah. Only a short jaunt down 87 for that.
  13. If you deflate one of them.
  14. I figured you'd like that.
  15. Listening to Bette Midler CD's.
  16. That one is called the "Tattoo" model.
  17. It's in Ed's car.
  18. Today was the official start of Hurricane season. Go figure.
  19. Just wait until football season starts.....you haven't seen hurt yet.
  20. Why? Was he eating a cat on the ice?
  21. See you're thinking positive already.
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