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Yasin's BILLS

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Everything posted by Yasin's BILLS

  1. The guy is a horrible Running Back, The guy averages like 1 yard per carry and all the sudden every body wants him? In a way Im happy that we didn't get Dominic Rhodes, I bet the only reason why we wanted him because he was on the team that won the super bowl, and thomas jones the loser of the super bowl went to the jets,
  2. Least Favorite- Nate Clements Most Favorite- Bruce Smith
  3. I sure hope your right! or if not I hope we re-sign Anthony Thomas. that would be a nice 1-2 punch Anthony Thomas isn't the fastest RB but he's a solid running back.
  4. Even More than Oprah? Hillary Clinton? George Bush?
  5. Corey Dillon is a punk. Not because he cancelled his trip to buffalo, but If Willis McGahee didn't fit Marv's role in high character what makes you think corey dillon is a better character than willis mcgahee? He cried his way out cinncinnati and he complained he only got the ball 8 to 10 times, he's just a red zone special thats all he is now.
  6. Such Strong words!. But if it comes down to chris brown or corey dillon, I take chris brown. Corey Dillon doesn't fit Marv's Character system, he has a bad attitude and sour sport. he's angry that he didn't get the ball much, maybe because Lawrence Maroney is faster and better than him
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