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Everything posted by MiamiGeorge

  1. Thanks!
  2. anyone have a link?
  3. Fish, go sleep with your sister, then marry her. When you have more inbred children, start your own forum with proper English language, drivers, and rodents that are more suitable to you.
  4. please dont be serious =/
  5. to you sir! Great post! 25yr old Bills Fan from Miami!
  7. Last week was on my home connection and it ran pretty smoothly, at work today, and it's jittery, is it just me? Also noticed, they are not allowing multiple logins anymore =/ Sorry brothers was going to let you guys use it! =p
  8. Dunno if it's a repost but saw it today; http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/billsnfl/story/437888.html "Ralph, next year are you going to cap it?’ ” Conley said. “He said, ‘No, I’m not.’ I said, ‘Ralph, you don’t know me. When you tell me it’s not capped for next year, I’m asking you to rethink it.’ He said, ‘No cap for next year.’ I said, ‘I’ll see you next year.’ ”"
  9. Good video, regarding the Mic'ed up game against cincy last year! I Still love you lynch! BEAST MODE! http://www.nfl.com/videos?videoId=09000d5d80abc36f
  10. im also interested in this too, have a bledsoe jersey just sitting around, wouldn't mind putting the jet on it!
  11. and the guy makes a good point, everyone quick to say he is hurting his team(family), but he is holding out for more money for his Real Blood Family, which I can see his point. He is a millionaire already, but everyone wants what they deserve. Not saying the way he went about is right, but I can see his point.
  12. who do we start next week? JP? EDWARDS FOR PRESIDENT!
  13. lol denny wasn't even on the camera! haha GOOD HANDS!
  14. I've been noticing that we can stream multiple copies. My brother is watching my his Pittsburgh game at his house, im watching the bills game on tv, and also streaming another game on my laptop.. Good opportunities to lend out the superfan to other people!
  15. that run was as sweet as markymann's sig!
  16. getting the same errors john. havn't been able to log in at all
  17. it's monday, and im waiting Original Poster!
  18. My condolences to you and your family
  19. It could also be a marketing ploy for merriman
  20. Advise administrators?, it same when people link video's on youtube (highlights), provide radio station links, when you lend your coworker a video game/movie. This is a forum, people tend to help each related to the forum content (ie. bills football). I have sunday ticket, with the pass, and whenever I go to a bar, ill be more than happy to help the community anyway I could. If you wanted to be even more technical, I would suggest going to the buffalobills.com forums, I come to TBD forums cause it's more personal, and a tighter nit community. TBD FORUMS!
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