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Everything posted by MiamiGeorge

  1. More than a hundred time here... Bills trade 4th rounder for Henderson! please!
  2. I don't want to sound like I am "hating" on the kid, but the NFL seriously needs to cap these rookies...Simply amazing how much these 21-23 year olds are making. This is coming from a 26 yr old
  3. I can't wait till the season we draft at #32......
  4. nice fake, but BEAST MODE IN!
  5. wasn't he out of bounds pushed, so clock should have stopped?
  6. paying 300 for sunday ticket, 99 for super fan, 4 months of basic satellite service when you have comcast = PRICELESS Dam tha billlls! =p
  7. this is terrible........ dam it!
  8. being from miami, I can guarantee you even when the phins sell out they always have section 400 scalpers for around $20 bucks each right before the game! 100% guarantee
  9. Dib,Badoliz; tickets are always available down here in miami at the game, especially when the phins are doing bad! Usually you can get decent seats at the stadium for around $20 dollars. Not sure exactly where im tailgating at, since my friends are the dolphin fans they have there section, send me a message and ill send you my cell we can link up at the tailgating area, and ill throw you a few cold ones! Woot tickets just came in from stub hub!
  10. hehe, i think those the pics from 2 years ago, couldnt find the pics from last year. Im going to be wearing my throwback POZ jersey!!!
  11. Will be sitting in section 101 row 6!, anyone else near me, if not close?! I will be tailgating with a bunch of of my friends, if you buffalo area fans are coming down your are more welcome to join, here is a taste from last year or the year before! And you will notice, from my group of friends im the only miami bills fan!, i need some support! =) Will be getting there around 9am!!!! GOOO BILLLS!
  12. tipped at the line, incomplete, FG attempt
  13. lynch stopped no gain call 2nd timeout
  14. using this while it's down http://gateway.andohs.net/player/default_n...amp;customlogo=
  15. now they are going to say the bills, are using this as a strategy against a powerhouse team lol! =)
  16. wow...i can't believe this.....
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