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Everything posted by Cobra

  1. Where's the Bossman? He stated how bad Bledsoe was and predicted his being released. Bossman where are you now?
  2. 1. Alias 2. NYPD Blues 3. ER 4. Jag 5. 24 They all rock!
  3. I hope TKO knocks the crap out of Tommy Boy!
  4. Everyone needs to relax and trust me on this one! The Bossman is not ICE! I'm sitting 5 yards from the Bossman. Maybe they are Brothers, but he is definitly not ICE!
  5. dude you need to relax! It can't be that bad!
  6. This will be our third time seeing them. It's become a family tradition to see them every year. Were excited this year because there playing here in Rochester on December 22 and it's really close to Christmas. I have three kids 14, 12, & 9 and all three loved the show last year, it's definetly worth the money!
  7. Are you sure it's Rachel Hunter? I thought it was the girl from the original White Snake Video from the mid 80's!
  8. BOSSMAN rules!!!!!
  9. I think his dance training came into play on that sack!
  10. You have some valid points, but Bledsoe is done! The changing at QB needs to be made immediately!
  11. Your forgot that you will win a new car!! You might as well dream big, but I think most of your predictions will come true!
  12. Did he bring in a Punt Catcher? If so, we are on our way!
  13. Fire TD and then we'll see what MM is all about!!
  14. These kind of posts just keep coming, and coming! People need to wake up becuase it's not happening while Drew " hit me one more time" Bledsoe is at the helm!
  15. I hope that means a two back set!
  16. We'll see what he has to say tomorrow!
  17. What kind of dog would he be.........a poodle?
  18. I guess not!
  19. That's the problem! They are not doing their best! Ask your yourself " are committing stupid penalties your best?"
  20. If it's going to happen? It better start this week!
  21. Pay back is a B word! Lets hope our guys are man enough to take care of business the next time we play! Talk is cheap, action speaks louder than words!
  22. Maybe he should spend more time thinking about holding on to the ball! Then we might be 3 -0!
  23. That wasn't a pick! He ran around the other players and gave the WR the middle of the field to work with. The play wasn't that close, it look more like a bad play on Magee, rather than a pick play. Maybe you were watching a different game?
  24. If we don't start winning soon, Buffalo will lose it's team!
  25. Relax! You probably were the same person who had them going to the Super Bowl after week two last year. Give them a little time to come together. We'll know in a few weeks what we have, then you can panic all you want!
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