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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. The flu has not disappeared.... last year the cases of the flu were so low because of quarantining, a record number of flu shots, and widespread mask wearing....I saw a report that this year, cases of the flu are right back to usual levels due to the fact that people are no longer taking the same precautions as they did last winter.
  2. Travis Henry knows a little something about this.
  3. OJ’s a stand up guy aside from that knife incident!
  4. Its defined as any incomplete pass thrown by Tom Brady vs the Bills.
  5. Let’s not forget that Cam Newton’s fumble that luckily went right to another Carolina player could have been a “scoop td” for Buffalo.
  6. Not sure if this has been mentioned, but is it actually possible that Cody Ford played a decent game today?
  7. Never be the second guy.....the official always sees the second guy.....Brown was the second guy.
  8. In that second half, that was the first time that the team was firing on all cylinders, offense, defense, special teams(even Haack had two of his best punts as a Bill) for the first time since the Titans game, IMO. They finally looked like their old selves again, and I hope they carry that forward in the next 4 games and Playoffs!! Unfortunately, not winning the close games is what separates this years team from last years team.
  9. Its 80 degrees and no wind down here in Orlando..........lets fly the two teams down and play here instead!!
  10. Brady just threw the dumbest INT of his career!! A pick six no less!!
  11. My blood is already starting to boil just thinking about this.....the officiating in the Chiefs and Jags games this year was as bad as it gets, but I shudder to think how the Zebras are going top themselves and screw the Bills over in this one.
  12. Why go for two there? Chargers taking analytics to new heights of stupidity.
  13. To be fair, that pick was not his fault, but it did seal the game for the Broncos.
  14. If he had superstar potential, he would have been drafted higher than the seventh round. I would be satisfied with “serviceable”, and “not the reason the Bills lose”.🤞
  15. Pats formula for victory: Play average football, get lucky on a few plays, get help from the officials when needed.
  16. Did anyone make contact with his knee??? No. Therefore it’s a non contact knee injury. C’mon, man... no need to be picky..it’s pretty clear what everyone means by non contact....sheesh.
  17. Yeah, I hope my eyes were lying to me, but I have seen a lot of non-contact ACL tears over the years and that sure looked like one.
  18. He was alright, except for the fact that he would call the Bills the “Bee-ohs”.😂
  19. Both.....no reason not to have a three man rotation for the #2 and #3 WR spots.....plus, Beasley and Sanders are on the other side of 30, so less reps now equals fresh legs for the playoff run!
  20. I think this is a preview of what we will see next year as well....Beasley is in the final year of his contract, I believe, and probably won't be re-signed. I think they would make a good trio of WR's.
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