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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Just because the cases were settled, doesn’t mean they didn’t happen, and should have no bearing on the severity of the punishment, IMO.
  2. A husband and wife are driving in a car, and they just finished having a big argument..... All of a sudden, they come upon a field of Jackasses..... The wife turns to the husband and says mockingly: "Are those your relatives??" The husband replies: "Yeah.....my in-laws!!"
  3. I was watching an old Anthony Jeselnik comedy special on Netflix last night....if you are not familiar with his brand of humor, I think this joke paints a pretty clear picture of the kind of jokes you will hear from him: A few days ago, I received a phone call with the best news I have ever gotten in my entire life.....then, about a minute later, I received another call telling me my father had just died........I said to the person: Yeah, I just heard about it.
  4. I was just messin' with you. The last two games the Bills played against the Pats where the Bills didn't even have to punt is proof positive that the Pats aren't on the Bills level right now. That being said, I will still revel in every beatdown the Bills give the Pats in the same way I am sure that the Pats fans reveled in beating the drought-era Bills every time....that's what you do when you beat a division rival. Sounds to me that this guy is trying to prop up the relevance of the Pats through the actions of a division rivals' fan base.....an argument that doesn't make much sense.
  5. You’re right...I thought of that afterwards....won’t make that mistake again.👍
  6. Thats what broke my 69 game win streak the other day... The word was CREAK my last three guesses were: BREAK FREAK WREAK Why I picked wreak over creak, I’m still trying to figure out.
  7. I get where you are coming from, but living down here in Florida, the opposite is true.....the summer is the worst time of year down here. Heat, humidity, thunderstorms, hurricanes. For me, the start of football season is not only great because I get to watch the Bills, but its a sign that the worst 4 months to live in Florida(June-September), are coming to a close!
  8. Finally finished up the show a few weeks ago....very enjoyable, and they certainly left it open for a second season. The second seven episodes were much better than the first seven for sure...a satisfying ending, but an unfortunately true ending in line with how the world works. Loved Wentworth!! Watched all the seasons last summer...great cast, great acting...loved it! Joan "the freak" Ferguson has to be one of my favorite TV characters....a chilling mix of Walter White and Hannibal Lecter(minus the people eating...however, you wouldn't be surprised if she did!!) Agreed, but don't forget about Allie!!
  9. Like Winston Churchill once said: “America always does the right thing......after it exhausts all other possible options.” Unfortunately, we are still in the exhausting all other options phase.
  10. Look up! I think my analogy just went over your head!🙂
  11. I don’t understand what you are getting at here.....F1 cars are not street legal because they go 200mph, and would be unsafe for all the other drivers and pedestrians out there...assault rifles pose the same threat to the general public, and should be treated as such.
  12. Also, when it comes to cars, it is illegal to drive a Formula 1 car on regular roads due to public safety.....therefore why shouldn’t assault rifles, the formula 1 car of guns, be restricted for the same reason?
  13. I think raising the legal age to buy a gun to 25 should be something both sides of the argument can agree upon.
  14. Unfortunately true.....nothing was done after Sandy Hook, and sadly nothing will be done following this....that’s what I meant when I said unbelievable.
  15. Edit: 19 children between 7 and 11 years old, and 2 teachers. UNBELIEVABLE!! Please stop this madness!!!!!
  16. 20+ sacks combined for the two of them would go a long way for this D!!!
  17. Very interesting.......I like this theory!👍
  18. I heard this really interesting song featured in a Bryson DeChambeau Cobra Golf commercial, so I looked into the origin of the song to find out if it was an old song, new song, who sings it, etc. It turns out the singer is an artist named Stella Reine, who I never heard of, and the song was written specifically for the commercial. According to the artist, there is a full version of the song, but Cobra Golf owns the rights to it, and won't allow her to release the full version of the song....what is the deal with that?? I think that's a shame for the artist, and I am surprised something like that could happen. Anyway, here is the Commercial if you haven't seen it:
  19. The A from the Vonte's name must have retired halfway through the minicamp practice.😄
  20. That might be true, but it’s pretty sad that there is more moral outrage for a guy that kneels for the anthem, then for the multitude of players, black and white, who beat their wives/girlfriends/kids, rape women, or threaten people with guns.......just sayin’.
  21. I agree that Josh should have been out there as soon as he was ready, but I’m sure McBeane would have preferred to get at least 4 games into the season before putting Josh into the starting lineup. Why they thought they could get 4 games out of Peterman is beyond me. It’s one of the weirdest and most naive decisions of the McBeane era. Thankfully, Josh Allen became the Josh Allen we see today, and the Bills don’t have to worry about the QB position for years to come!!
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