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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Is anyone else getting a little worried that there is going to be another Spurs/Pistons Finals in our future? For me, (and numerous others), that would be a completely unwatchable seires.
  2. Not that this is of great importance, but I noticed the other day that full-screen mode stopped working for Youtube on my computer. I tried it on another computer in the house and it didn't work on it either. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Or could this be a Youtube problem? Just curious.
  3. Yikes!!! Thanks for the warning.
  4. Sorry, never venture into "politics, polls and pundits". In fact, until a minute ago, I didn't know there was such a thing.
  5. Remember a few months ago when a tape was released of Chris Berman fliping out at the crew? Well now its O'Rielly's turn: http://youtube.com/watch?v=2tJjNVVwRCY&feature=bz302 My favorite part is the last three seconds
  6. You forgot about Jay Riemersma, he was good for a couple of years. Since then, the Bills have fielded a bunch of also-rans at the position.
  7. BTW, this is the worst part of the year for me in terms of sports.......the time from the end of the Magic season until the Bills start training camp.
  8. The Magic were without Tony Battie this year because of rotatar cuff surgery. In fact, he tried to come back for the playoffs, but just wasn't ready. The plan is exactly what you outlined in your post, except Lewis at SF and Hedo at SG when Battie is back. I also hope they use their mid-level cap execption on another big man who can bring more toughness and physicality to the team as well.
  9. Pistons > Magic.......for now. City of Orlando > City of Detroit
  10. I couldn't have said it better myself. They had their fair share of chances to win games 2, 4, and 5, but inexperience and turnovers ended those chances. Although, its obvious that the overly-physical play of the Pistons led to those poor descisions and turnovers.
  11. Since we are de-bunking enviromental policies, this article takes a good stab at corn based ethanol. http://healthandenergy.com/ethanol.htm
  12. That was really a rough loss for me to take. The Magic have no one to blame but themselves, but I still can't believe the Pistons are allowed to turn the game into a street brawl with the only calls coming when Orlando tries to get away with the same things the Pistons are. How about Dooling not commiting a foul, getting elbowed in the jaw by Hamilton, but Dooling is called for a foul and a T for arguing. Are you kidding me???? Where was the T for the elbow?? As for Turk, he's been "Mister 4th quarter" all year long, so its no surprise he takes the final shot. He's made several game winners and game tying shots in that situation this year. Its a shame the Magic allowed the Pistons to slow down the game and play the second half in a half court, possesion by possesion game. The Magic are most successful when the pushing the tempo and getting out and running.
  13. Forget Carmello, its worse that he passed on Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh, IMO.
  14. WOOOO HOOOOOO!!! Now that's more like it!! I hope that Billups injury looked as bad on TV as it did in person. Although I don't wish serious injury on anyone(just enough to keep him out of the series ), obviously that would be a huge break for the Magic. He's been a matchup problem for Orlando for years. In reference to my initial post, someone please explain to me how 'Sheed can get away with that much jawing with the officials without picking up a T?? I'm glad to read that there are many anti-Piston people out there--keep those anti-piston thoughts going for game 4 on Saturday!!!!
  15. I know I'm a bit biased because I'm a big Orlando Magic fan, and maybe I'm just venting a bit, but this team is awfully full of themselves for a team who has only won one championship in their current run of success. Not to mention that the one championship was against a dysfunctional Lakers team who came into the series overconfident. The bump, they push, they elbow, they get in players faces, and they get in ref's faces and they get away with it. Theo Ratliff is even trash talking--and I was thinking..."dude, I didn't even know you were still in the league..STFU!!" The malfunctioning clock at the end of the third quarter of game 2 and the allowing of that 3 pointer was a horrendous call reminiscent of calls that have gone against the Bills in the past. Going to the game tonight. Here's to hoping the Magic can get back into this series with a win tonight!
  16. I think I recall seeing him wearing #81 in a picture in one of the mini-camp stories.
  17. Exactly. Stamer, Haggan, Wire, and Aiken---all gone. That's arguably the four best ST players last year. Plus, day 2 picks are expected to contribute on ST if they want to make an NFL roster anyway.
  18. I said that like two posts ago.
  19. Here comes the trade up. Right??
  20. Trade up for Sweed or Kelly.
  21. How about Special McK! just kidding!
  22. this would be my strategy, except I like Leodis McKelvin better than DRC.
  23. It would be nice if the NFL could put in place a standardized rookie draft pick pay scale like the NBA has. Of course, the trade-off would have to be that rookie contracts would have to be much shorter(3 years in the NBA) allowing players to become unrestricted free agents sooner. But in such a violent sport as football, the players association would block any attempt to put a system like this in place. I agree with your sentiment, though. Its crazy that blockbuster contracts in 2005 have become undervalued contracts in just three years(Urlacher and Chad Johnson situations) because of rookie deals like this.
  24. Leodis McKelvin Limas Sweed Martin Rucker
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