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Everything posted by KOKBILLS

  1. Seriously...Is reading comprehension a problem for you? You respond to my post saying everyone is high then you go on to elaborate, with many more words, pretty much exactly what I wrote... I said Miami was overrated only to point out we would get pounded vs. better Teams...How is that being high when your point is basically the exact same? Just saying...Read...
  2. If we had a real QB we would have won that Game by at least 2 TD's because the whole Game Plan would have been different...As it is now the Bills HAVE to win with Freddy, CJ, and Marshawn because they don't have a QB who can win it for em.' The Backs get shut down and it's game over...That's all there is to that...
  3. While I greatly overestimated the Bills going into this Game what I think I did get right was the fact that Miami is overrated...I think we'll see how much the next couple weeks when The Bills get absolutely pounded by "real" good Teams... Hope I'm wrong though...
  4. The Bills O-Line is below average... It's no longer an excuse for Trentative though...It's just not...He's not good enough most of the time...That's all there is to that... Exactly correct...
  5. I definitely felt the Game Plan was WAY too cute...Many of those Passes where just cute little ways to get the Ball in the Hands of Jackson, Spiller and Lynch...It did not work...No one was fooled...The fish were the FAR more physical Team...Whatelse is new...I've been saying this for quite a few years now...If the Bills can't line up and pound the Ball with a physical running Game they are not going to win in Buffalo...It's WNY not the West Coast...Gailey says it's a tough Game for tough people, then he better get them to go out and play that way and stop trying to be cute...Line up and beat the guy in front of you first and then we'll talk about the cute stuff...
  6. I said 7-9 to 9-7 and not the worst Team in the NFL by a longshot... With QB play as bad as it was today, and blocking not much better, I'd say I was a bit too optimistic at the very least...Maybe even dead wrong... Oh well...Not the first time, won't be the last...
  7. That was really sickening to watch. I apologize to anyone who will listen for having any faith in this Team as long as Edwards is the Starting QB...I can't believe I did not know better after these last couple years...Honestly, I am NOT a Fitz Fan whatsoever, but I concede now he's better than Trent. I was wrong...Trent can't play in this league anymore...Not as long as he's afraid to throw the Ball...An NFL QB cannot be afraid to throw the ball...He's scared and it's over for Trent Edwards as far as I'm concerned...Give me Locker, Mallett, whoever...Just give me a new QB in 2011 cause I can't take this crap any more... And please folks, lets not blame the Line anymore...Sure they are below average...No doubt...But Trent sucks... OK rant over...I should have known better though...I should have known...
  8. Edwards certainly has not looked good, but to be fair the Bills game plan was obviously to throw a million different little wrinkles in order to get the Ball to Spiller, Jackson, and Lynch. That Game Plan has failed thus far...And failed pretty bad...They are not fooling anyone out there, and I'm not sure why they just don't come out and try to pound it instead of being all cute about it... That being said, Edwards is just not a QB that is going to cover up a lot for you...He's just not that good...
  9. He should be...So far, same ol' Trent...Taking a Sack there is just...well...Trent Edwards being Trent Edwards...I hate it cause I want the kid to snap out of it but when the lights come on he just can't seem to do it with any consistency... The question is always going to be, if the Game comes down to needing one drive from Edwards, does anyone really think he's going to deliver?
  10. Wow... Talk about coming out flat...Jeez...
  11. Wow...Is there a link or something for that quote? I never ask for links, I usually don't care much...But...I mean...How in the world could anyone actually say this about a Team that had 6 wins Last Season? Not to mention we're less than 2 years removed from the Lions going 0-16??? Anyone saying that about The Bills should be ashamed of themselves...Hell they could totally suck and that statement would still be a huge pile of steaming crap...
  12. Cannot possibly watch that enough... Has to be the millionth time I've watched it, and I keep rewinding to see it one more time...I'll never get any work done now...
  13. Exactly... What kind of a Bills Fan could have a problem with what Kelly does for this Team at this point? He's a Hall Of Fame Cheerleader and HUGE supporter of the Bills and WNY...That goes for TT too...Personally I love the guys...Always will...
  14. Game Preview Kirwan - "Chan Gailey said to me I've got a Team as mad as a hornets nest. The thing I had going for me when I came to this place (Buffalo) was how mad the players are that everyone thinks they are terrible."
  15. This thread has been some fun reading...I think the discussion is important at this point of The Bills Franchise no matter what side you fall on... I always try to be as fair as I can with folks who write about Football for a living. Once upon a time it's what I wanted to do with my life. So when I see people who actually do make a living writing about NFL Football taking it on the chin a bit, I try to be objective... I admit when it comes to The Bills that is hard at times...I have no doubt that guys like JW, and Tim Graham for that matter do their homework...It's evident when you read their work. Like it or not, their opinions are based on some homework and experience. But that is by no means the norm when you consider what you read and hear around the nation on a daily basis...I think, at times, I have an inner radar about these things...Because when I see guys like Jason La Canfora talk about the Bills, I know almost instantly they really have no clue what is going on in Western NY...They gloss over the the obvious stuff, talk to (well probably text) the same guys who regurgitate the same information ad nauseam, and give a 30 second sound bite on how things are exactly the same in Buffalo despite all the changes they made and who is now in charge...To me much of what I see in the national level media is basically just piling on and not really based on much factual discovery...I realize a guy like La Canfora can still get a good scoop and feel for his hometown Redskins, but the fact that they have him giving opinions on The Bills is a HUGE part of the media backlash you see around here at times...It's a cumulative thing...It festers...The fact that someone out there is predicting that the Bills are the most likely NFL Team to go winless proves there are idiots out there...You just have to look under some rocks to find them at times...At other times they are as plain as day... I think I'm a bit more optimistic about The Bills chances this year than the average Sports Writer...I'll admit it, but not much more optimistic...I think they'll finish between 7-9 and 9-7...I think The Bills are being underrated a little and I definitely think the rest of the AFC East is being a bit overrated...I have a million reasons why I believe this to be true and yes, I definitely believe I have a little more insight than some writers who don't have a vested interest in following this Division...Does that make me dilusional? Most who know me would say so, but that's besides the point... In the end though it is just Football and we should learn to be civil towards one another (that excludes any negative comments towards Fatasaurus Rex, Sanchez, the Jets, the Fish, the Patsies, etc, etc...)...I'll try to work on it on my end...No promises though... Go Bills!!!
  16. 1. AFC Championship Game...What could be better than beating the Fish at their House to go to the SB? I still have wonderful visions of Phil Hansen's INT... 2. 89...Kelly...Enough said...
  17. I'd rather have My little Sister QB the Bills over Sanchez...The single thing I want from this NFL Season, after The Bills success of coarse, would be Sanchez bombing so bad Fatasaurus Rex has to hold a special Presser just to apologize to the NFL world for the over-hyping of "The Sanchise." Honestly, I wish I knew why I hate the Kid as much as I do...But I do...I REALLY do...
  18. I'm pretty sure Modrak's role has been watered down quite a bit now that Buddy and Chan are in charge...I think the fact that they kept him around is proof Buddy respects his ability to Scout (and I'm not certain why that is... ), but he's not going to have much of a say any longer in who gets selected...That's just my take on it... I think Sully's going to be a bit disappointed when it's all said and done this Season because I doubt very much this version of The Buffalo Bills is a 3-13 or 4-12 Team...Just the same way I doubt they are a 10-6 or 11-5 Team...I think in the end they will finish between 7-9 and 9-7 and if they want a 1st Round QB they are just going to have to maneuver in the 1st Round to assure that...I just can't see how this Team is that much worse than Last Season when they finished 6-10 and lost 5 Games by a TD or less...3 of those by 3 points or less including games vs. the Pats and Browns that they simply pissed away...How in the world are they going to be worse than that in 2010? I don't know...I could be wrong...But I'm thinking this Team bottomed-out last Season and somehow, some way by the grace of God, won 6 Games while doing so...We'll see soon enough though...
  19. Honestly, I can't see how this Game is not considered a toss-up at the very least. I actually think The Bills should be a 1-2 point favorite at Home...I'm glad they're not though...More fuel...
  20. Hard to argue with most of that but The Bills did have a 1000 yd Rusher last year with a REAL banged up O-Line AND they added Spiller...I'm not sure if that's considered established, but I'm pretty sure it's not a weakness either... By the end of 2010 Season The Bills will be considered one of the top 5 Rushing Offenses in the NFL...That's right I said it...
  21. I'm not sure I'd take TE over Henne just yet...I wanna see what happens this year...But I totally agree about The Jets and TJ...I think it was a big mistake and the potential for problems in the locker room are great on that one...Plus LT has been dinged an awful lot the last couple years and it's slowed him down big time...I know he's pretty healthy now, but another injury to LT and the Jets backfield just dropped off a ton...
  22. Totally agree...If the Bills had Shanny and McNabb and did everything else the same I'm pretty sure we would be on quite a few lists for potential Playoff Teams...There would be zero talk of this "worst Team in the NFL" stuff...That much is certain... The Bills are simply going to have to go out and prove they don't suck...That's all there is to it...I think at the end of the year we'll be considered a better Team overall than the Redskins...At least more of an up-and-coming Team...But that is pretty clearly just my opinion...
  23. I think The Bills could very well come out of those 4 Games 0-4...It's possible for sure...But I think you're drinking the kool-aid a bit on the Pats, Jets, and Fish...They have talent and good Coaching, but they're beatable...They each have some pretty good sized holes in their armor...As far as The Bills being under-talented goes, it depends on what you're referring to. In comparison to the Pats QB and The Jets Front 7...Sure...In comparison to the The Jets QB and the Pats secondary...not so much...We'll see what Gailey's bunch can do...No one expects much anyway...I'm REALLY hoping these other Teams feel the way you do about The Bills because if any Team takes them lightly this year they are going to get what they deserve...
  24. On paper The Bills are clearly the 4th best Team in the Division...They have HUGE questions at OL, QB, and at the Defensive Front 7...But they are not void of talent in those areas either...There are a lot of questions concerning the 2010 Buffalo Bills, but I doubt the main question is will the over under be 4 Games?...The question are can Gaily alone count for an extra win or two in 2010? Will somebody step up in these key positional areas?...Can this Team come together under a new Offensive and Defensive system quick enough to make a little noise?...etc...Not will the Bills be Drafting #1 overall...I just don't get how they got that much worse and the Division, outside of the Jets on paper, got SO much better over this off-season. Maybe I'm blind, but I just don't see it... I can't blame any writer for assuming The Bills finish 4th...But this "worst Team in The NFL along with St Louis" garbage is going way to far. I'll go out on a limb right now and say The Bills are a better Team than Detroit, Seattle, St Louis, Cleveland, J-Ville, KC, and Tampa Bay...The Bills finished with 6 Wins last Season and they are a better Team overall this year...Will that result in 2-3 fewer wins? I don't see it...Granted maybe I'm wrong but it feels a bit like piling on at this point...And I'm not necessarily saying The Bills will be a good Team when I'm saying they are not the worst Team... I just don't agree whatsoever that the Division got that much better than it was. The Jets still have a massive question mark at QB...They lost a ton of leadership in their Offensive backfield as well...They have a bunch of Vets expecting to go to the SB so just wait and see what will happen if Sanchez blows a couple games for them early on...It will get ugly quick...That being said they do have a ton of talent all over the field and on paper they should walk away with this Division... I may be the only one to believe this, and maybe I'll be proven wrong quickly, but I see the Patsies as a Team on the decline...The Pats are older at the skill positions and younger overall every year...One of these years it's all going to fall apart...Will it be 2010? We'll see...And what exactly happens in NE if Brady goes down again? Not saying The Bills are a better Team than the Pats yet, just saying they will be soon... The Fish? Is Henne going to be that much better? They are a good physical football Team with a bunch of talent on Offense at the skill positions...But they have plenty of potential holes too...Thing is they are going to be a tough out for NE and the Jets which will further even stuff out in the Division... All in all I think The Bills win between 6 and 9 games in 2010...Not good enough just yet...But not worst Team in the NFL either...And somehow, someway I think The Bills finish higher than 4th. When things seem this obvious to so many uninformed NFL reporters it never seems to end up that way in the end... Amen to that!!!
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