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Everything posted by KOKBILLS

  1. Totally 100% agree...I just don't know what some Bills Fans are seeing out there anymore...Personally I think it's simply the fact that Fitz was so much better last year than JP or Trent had been, Bills Fans forgot what it was like to see decent QB play...But if they think this Team can be a Championship Team with Fitz at QB they've completely lost their minds...Being better than Trent and JP still means next to nothing in the grand scheme of things...Championship QB's have to be SO much better than what Fitz showed last Season...And if Gailey and Nix think Fitz is the answer even with a decent Defense, mark my words, it will cost them their jobs long term... As much as I would like to believe differently, no way is Ryan Fitzpatrick a Championship caliber QB...Just no way in hell...And like you I'm shocked so many Bills Fans think it's a real possibility...Just shocked to be honest...
  2. I'm guessing Newton and Darius will be gone so it's down to Miller and Gabbert...It's a Buddy Nix decision in the end, and I think he grabs the QB...It's what his Owner wants and what they did in SD when they had the chance picking this high...No way Ralph won't sign off on the QB...It will be a tough sell going with the OLB though...You know the old man will be saying "This Kid better be the next Biscuit if we pass on a good QB!"
  3. The fact that you ignore the real possibility that they may stay at #3 and Draft Gabbert or Trade Down to Draft Mallett is a bit short-sighted at the very least...I'm not saying that's what they are going to do...But it's a definite possibility which makes your analysis incomplete...So get ready to boot the TV come Draft... And I don't think there is a chance in hades The Bills Draft Quinn before Miller...Just the fact that Nervergiveup has already said The Bills like Miller tells me that much...In the end I think the fact that The Bills are Drafting this high and don't expect to Draft this high again is going to push them towards a QB...Sort of the way SD decided to Draft Rivers when they had Brees...And Fitz is not even in Brees ballpark, which makes me think they go with Gabbert at #3 even more...
  4. Agreed...What did Dilfer say that was so wrong? He's 100% right...SOME Bills Fans have so completely forgotten what it takes to win a Championship they've bought into the drivel that is "We can Win a Championship with Ryan Fitzpatrick at QB." Well...Sure it's true...You can win a Championship with Brady Quinn at QB too if you don't give up any points... Dilfer knew EXACTLY what he was talking about because he WAS Ryan Fitzpatrick in a way...And he knows 100% what kind of Defense and Defensive mentality the Bills are going to have to build in order to win a Championship with Fitz...And this just in Folks, it will be easier for The Bills to find that dynamic young QB than it will be to build that kind of Defense...Defenses like Baltimore's in Dilfer's year, Tampa Bay's when they Won it, and Chicago 86 are not exactly easy to build...But put a decent Defense with a QB's like the Manning's, Big Ben, Rodgers, Brees, Rivers, Brady, Ryan, etc..., and you've got a shot every year... It makes me awfully nervous when I hear the guy who started Edwards over Fitz say The Bills can win a Championship with Fitz at QB...It scares the heck out of me to be honest, and makes me believe these guys still don't know wtf they're doing internally...We'll see though...Could all be a smokescreen...In the end I still believe The Bills better come out of this draft with Newton, Gabbert, or Mallett...I'll give them a temporary pass if it's Kaepernick because I realize his upside is pretty high...If they don't get one of those young QB's, especially considering they really have NO Back-up QB right now, they're a bunch of morons...
  5. WOW! Have to say I'd be pretty thrilled with a Darius, Mallett combo in Rounds #1 and #2...
  6. Wilson may have similar size to Miller but that is exactly where any comparison is going to end REAL fast...He's no where even close to being the Football Player Miller is...Not whatsoever... I think Wilson is a decent fit for any 3-4 Team on the inside...But I'm not certain he's worth a high 2nd Round Pick...He has the neck injury history and he's definitely a situational liability at times...At the top of the 3rd I'd be OK with him though...
  7. I think the entire Meeting thing was explained by the Dolphins Brass and completely excused...I've heard this whole latest rumor deal with Fairley is completely blown out-of-proportion... What does not seem to be blown out-of-proportion are the consistent reports Fairley is a bit lazy, takes plays off, falls asleep in meetings...etc...He does come across as a bit of a goof-ball...That kind of stuff...Those reports are going strong, and they must be coming from REAL good sources (some are saying it's Tennessee's new D-Line Coach Tracey Rocker who Coached Fairley at Auburn...We'll see if Tennessee passes on him...) because I know Mike Mayock has bought into them. He's hearing something that allows him to say that personally he would not use a 1st Round Draft Pick on Fairley...I also read somewhere that Fairley is real good friends with JaMarcus Russell...Now that's enough to scare the crap out of any NFL GM...
  8. I think our 1st Pick will be between Newton, Gabbert, Miller, or Darius...I think one of those 4 will be a Buffalo Bill...But I'm leaning towards Gabbert being the Pick...
  9. I don't even think it's going out on a limb any longer to predict Mallett does not get past Miami at #15 overall...I think the garbage that still lingers about his character is almost 100% Fan based...It's coming from people who don't have a clue what the truth is...If there was any meat to the rumors you would be hearing A TON more like we have with Fairley, Jimmy Smith, et all...The truth is nothing is sticking with the Mallett rumors..He never tested positive for drugs at Arkansas, he was a Team Captain, he played in the most Pro-style Offense, and he has an absolute cannon for an arm... Now none of that means he's the next Marino for sure...But he's a QB...He's not going to fall too far...
  10. I don't know about that...There HAS to be a reason some NFL Scouts are SO high on this Kid...And I'm reading tons of rumors The Bills are amongst the Teams sold on Gabbert (I know...they're just rumors)...Mike Mayock has him #5 overall and says most of Gabbert's problems came from a lack of talent around him and a porous O-Line...Charlie Casserly says Gabbert is a better Pro Prospect than Sanchez and Flacco coming out...The NFL Advisory Board obviously told him he would go REAL high...He's SUPER smart, a hard worker, and a good teammate...Nothing is guaranteed with a QB ever...No matter where you pick em.' But I don't think Gabbert is Trent 2.0...Not at all...
  11. He does still have a little of that in his speech but you can also tell he's actually worked hard to curb it...Petrino is on record stating he sent Mallet to Speaking Classes...Petrino is also on record saying he was all over Mallett after the Public Intoxication deal and that he has absolutely no doubt Mallett is a good Kid...Those who want to sit back and think Ryan Mallett is the same person he was 3-4 years ago are in for a HUGE surprise...He's not the same Kid...He has an excellent Family behind him and a HUGE jock background...He was immature, but believe the fact that he understands that and is working hard to change it...He was voted a Team Captain before he ever played a down at Arkansas...He's no where near as bad a Kid as some would make him out to be...I'm a Michigan Fan...But I think unfortunately a lot of the negative crap being thrown around about Mallett comes from disgruntled Michigan Folks...Just my opinion of coarse... Now none of that is necessarily going to make Mallett a great or even a good NFL QB...But he is a Football-gym-rat and I'm guessing he's going to have a chip on his shoulder the size of Mt Everest by the time he gets Drafted and settled into the NFL...From that point on I'm also guessing he's going to work REAL hard...I think he will be a 1st one in, last one out QB...Football is Mallett's refuge and he's going to bury himself in it...Honestly I think going to a City like Buffalo would be perfect for Mallett because the distractions would be limited (albeit a Kid looking for trouble can find it anywhere)...My fear is he'll be Drafted by NE or Miami...I think with the right Coaching he could be better than good...With and arm like that anything is possible...
  12. And Brady is definitely slower... But lets be fair...Mallett's question marks are Manning and Brady's strength's... Preparation, Film study, Leadership (not saying those are actual problems, just the perceived ones)...Mallett may very well turn his critics around if he's a mentally strong, 1st in - last out type NFL QB...But those things cannot be answered yet, therefor Mallett is going to have plenty of Folks who say he's not going to make it...But to say it's not possible to design an NFL Offense around Mallett's strengths is ridiculous...Of coarse it's possible...Any time you have a 6-6 QB who can make any Pass effortlessly anything is possible...Especially for an Offensive Coach like Gailey...His foot speed or lack thereof is a product of too much over-Scouting around here...There are ways for Mallett to become one of the best in the NFL...We'll see if it happens...
  13. Very good read...Some of the stuff going on with Mallett behind the scenes reminds me a bit of what pushed Dan Marino down the Draft Board in 83...It's just my opinion...But the fact that some respected Scouts have Locker and Ponder ahead of Mallett is really a joke...It can only be character because the Kid may not be a gazelle, but he's a better natural athlete than Brady...He's got a Rocket Arm and put up huge numbers vs. the best competition in College Football...I'd love to see The Bills Trade down a bit and land Mallett...I know it's not going to happen, but I would not mind at all if it did...
  14. Well... It's not entirely up to Gailey...In fact Nix has the final say...And while I don't disagree necessarily about the past, Gailey is an Offensive Coach and my guess is when he sees the upside some of these Kids offer he gets pulled in just like anyone else...The possibilities become endless...If Gailey assumes that Newton is going to reach his potential can you imagine what he could do with a Kid who possesses that kind of physical talent? I just don't see any way Gailey gets locked in on the whole Vet thing...For example, we all know The Bills would Draft Andrew Luck in a half a heartbeat...While none of these Kids are Luck, The Bills are assuming they are never going to have the opportunity to Draft a QB this high again...So if one of these Kids sparks Gailey's imagination, and Nix wants to go that way, I'm pretty sure he'll sign off on Drafting a QB high without a problem...Then he'll simply get to work on building an Offense around that Kids talents...
  15. I think under the circumstances, and the questions the Kid has been pounded with, he's deserving of a little lead-way when it comes to his nervousness...I don't think he came off immature at all...Just a bit nervous...I think he comes across 100 times more sincere than Newton...But I'm not saying I like him more than Newton necessarily...Apples and Oranges there... But I agree when it came to Football questions and his white-board demo that is where Mallett's strength lies...I've said it all along...If the right Team Drafts that Kid and has patience...Coaches him up a bit and designs an Offense around his strengths...He could be a monster in a couple years...Ideally for him he would be Drafted by Indy or New England...But I don't think he's going to be that lucky...And if he goes to Miami he's screwed... At least until the next Coaching Staff gets there... I know I'm in the severe minority...But I'd rather Trade Down, pick up and extra Pick or two and grab Mallet instead Drafting Newton or Gabbert at #3...It's just me, and I admit I could be dead wrong about him...But there's something about the thought of that Rocket Launcher arm in RWS that makes me wonder... When I watch and read stuff like this breakdown I just have to wonder what the Kid would do in Red, White, and Blue... Breakdown In the end I'll be happy with any of the three...Gabbert 1st, Mallett 2nd, and Newton 3rd...Just get one of em Buddy...
  16. Exactly...This Team has more holes than Swiss Cheese...There are Needs all over this Roster on Offense and Defense...They could go just about any way and still be right...So I don't see anything wrong with landing the #1 QB and the #1 TE in this Draft...How can that be a bad thing? The same way if they went Miller at #3 Overall and Martez Wilson in the 2nd it could not be argued much...They would be getting the #1 Rated OLB and the #1 Rated ILB...There are plenty of ways for The Bills to go, but if it's all Offense early, as long as it's Gabbert and Rudolph I don't see the problem...
  17. They focused on one guy...the dead-wrong guy...and that KILLED them in that Draft... The Whitner Pick came KNOWING they needed a DT but they were SO enamoured with Whitner they passed on the All-World DT...Then they focused on McCargo because, supposedly, there was this HUGE gap between him and the next DT available...Well...The next DT taken was Gabe Watson at #107...Watson is no game-changer, but he has doubled McCargo's Tackle Total since 06...The next DT after that? Domata Peko who went #123 overall to Cincy, has totaled over 200 Tackles since 06 and has yet to be inactive a single game...The next DT taken? Do you really want to know? The Giants Barry Cofield went #124 overall...He has played every game but one since his Rookie Season, anchored the Giants D-Line, and came away with 10.5 Sacks in that time... The Bills were right afterall...There was a HUGE gap between McCargo an the rest of the DT's...They just got it backwards...
  18. This post, better than most, speaks to the utter desperation amongst some Bills Fans...When I read stuff like this it just makes me sad...
  19. Agreed John... I still think Miller is the pick IF The Bills don't Draft Newton or Gabbert...And I'm fine with that...I like Miller a lot...I think he's the anti-Maybin... I do thinks it's incredibly sad that IF The Bills take Miller Nix and Gailey will have basically replaced two RECENT 1st Round Draft Picks with a HB and an OLB of their own...That just sucks, and is further proof why this Team is so far away from contention...
  20. Wow!!! And they brag about projecting Ayers as a bust...
  21. Right, because The Bills don't have Needs at QB, TE, and RT...They don't have 20 Picks, and Rome was not built in a day...Everyone thinks The Bills will go Defense, and if they do who could blame them?...But they have needs all over the Field and this Draft would land them the #1 QB, the #1 TE, and an All-SEC OT in the 2011 Draft...That would really suck huh?
  22. Wow! Have to admit this is EXACTLY what I think The Bills will do in Rounds 1-3...Then I think they'll go defense the rest of the way...I would be absolutely thrilled with this Draft, though admittedly I don't know much about Carpenter...Gabbert, Rudolph, and a RT would THRILL me...But I'm mainly thinking Gabbert and Rudolph in the 1st and 2nd...This Team cannot be re-built in this Draft alone anyway...And I think the opportunity to fill those 3 HUGE needs in the 1st three Picks would be awesome...
  23. I'm guessing Fitz's Back-up will be named Newton, Gabbert, or Ponder...
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