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Everything posted by KOKBILLS

  1. Right... I'm sure Teams that actually Scout and Draft well year after year, like Green Bay for example, may disagree...
  2. Young's gonna be a Redskin...We all know it's going to happen...No way Snyder can pass up on that opportunity...He'll probably overpay for him too...
  3. I was such a HUGE Wrestling Fan in the 80's and 90's...Even into the early 2000's...Macho Man was always one of my favorites...Well...I liked looking at Miss Elizabeth a lot so... He was one of the all time greats...GREAT gimmick and he could back it up...Some of the Interviews he did with Mean Gene were Classics...They worked hand-in-hand, and could be hilarious at times...MM was amazingly quick in the Ring, especially in his younger days, and always seemed to put on decent Matches...He got REAL big later on...I mean in the WCW Days he was all blown up...I watched a GREAT Shoot-Interview with him right after he left WCW and the guy seemed SO down to earth and cool...The thing I liked most about him was he understood the Character and what he had built, and he did not want to dirty that up by appearing in lesser Programs over his later years...I LOVE that about him...The only thing I regret about his career is that they did not give him a chance to come back and Commentate on Matches after he was done Wrestling...I think he would have done awesome at that...He could be REAL clever on the Mic... RIP Macho Man...One of the best ever...And there's really no doubt about it...
  4. Andre Johnson huh? Nothing wrong with setting the bar high I guess...But I'd like to see the Kid actually play in a couple Games before giving him the #2 WR Position, let alone comparing him to the best WR in the NFL...And the better these other WR's get, the better Lee Evans will get too...With WR's that can do the work underneath, and Stevie who is at least close to a complete package, Evans Game should shine through...He's still one of the fastest guys in the League and the fact he can beat you over the top should continue to open things up underneath for everyone else... There is absolutely no reason for a Team like The Bills who lack talent to be pushing Evans aside...Money? You have to pay someone...Why not Evans? At least for the next couple years...I just don't understand how some Bills Fans (and I'm not targeting anyone specifically) can get SO excited about a QB with a lifetime 73 QB Rating and at the same time want to run a proven NFL deep threat like Lee Evans out of Town...Makes no sense to me...
  5. Polish a turd? The most successful Sports League in the History of mankind is a turd?...Prices are not going down either...Re-build or not...It's not going to happen...It does not happen in any other industry basically...Why would it happen in the NFL?...Both sides know what is at stake here...They may heat it up a bit...But they're not going to cook the golden goose...
  6. Well...We'll see... These Workouts may or may not prove to mean a thing in the long-run...Only time will tell...And this Teams Offensive Leader has a Career 73 QB Rating...So I'm not going to count any Chickens yet...
  7. I knew you were patiently awaiting this moment of honor for DB My Brother...Glad it worked out for ya... As for the REAL HOF...Should he get in by some miraculous grace of God, send me your address so I can make sure the paramedics get there in time...
  8. Wow... I watched the whole segment but I did not catch that at all...If that's what Dukes did that is over-the-top classless...I watch NFL Network religiously...I've seen them interview a million players, and I've never seen any of them do something classless like that to a Studio Guest...It's usually pretty much fluff-questions when they talk about their individual Teams...I mean...What does Dukes expect anyway?...He's an ex-player...He knows there is zero chance SJ is going to bad mouth Fitz...And why would he anyway?...As far as Stevie's concerned Fitz definitely should be the man...Fitz helped in making Stevie a name to watch around the league...I'm not sure what is up with Dukes...But I think we should send Dareus out there to kick his...***
  9. Thought the exact same thing...I was actually yelling at the screen... The Bills were crystal clear where they were going to play Dareus on Draft Night...To me, being a "paranoid" Bills Fan, it was like the guy was looking to find a reason to be negative...It was strange because I know they prepare for this stuff and you would think someone would have help him out...His "potential" argument was dead wrong and was answered on Draft Night...Stupid...
  10. Well...Is knee jerk any different than assuming players blew all their money in Vegas? What % of ex players do you believe just blew their money blindly? Maybe 1%...2%??? Not saying the Owners are any better...But the new breed of SOME NFL Players is as greedy and selfish as it gets...I am surprised to hear Brees' name mixed in with the likes of some others...But then again, maybe I'm not...
  11. Did I say they were "worthy" of being picked there? No...I did not...In fact that was kind of the point...I said they were picked there hinting you better believe it will happen again...That's all...Teams are always going to reach for QB's...Some Folks around here don't need a lesson in how the Draft works...I'm plenty smart enough to figure out the process and the tendencies over the past 40 years...I don't need it explained...But thanks anyway... Just saying...
  12. I'm not a Doctor, but I'm pretty sure Spikes injury was a lot more severe...Spikes tore his Achilles' tendon...There is nothing that indicates Merriman has a tear like that...I think they were being cautious with Merriman to avoid the chance of an injury like Spikes...But I could be wrong...
  13. Buddy said they have not looked at next years Draft at all for QB's...He said too many things can happen between now and then, and they don't make decisions that way...He was pretty adamant when the question was asked...He answered it pretty clearly... Just saying... You do realize Ponder is 6-2 and went #12 Overall right? In what was considered a weak QB Draft we just saw 6 QB's go in the 1st 36 Picks...I'm sure these Kids will do just fine when the 2012 Draft comes along...
  14. Agreed...The entire bunch at NFLN thinks Arizona has a Deal in place with him already just waiting for the Lockout to end...The Cards wanted him last year but they could not work it out...I think Warner has been feeding them all that little bit of inside info...So anyway...Look for Bulger to Sign with Arizona...
  15. Good info...I did not realize Kiwanuka played OLB...Is Weddle a Free or Strong? I'm sure he won't be cheap as an up and coming young guy...But all I hear is good things about him...
  16. I definitely agree with Florence...The Bills #1 Priority in Free Agency is getting Drayton back...If they can't re-sign him they better get another Vet who can play..,. Spaeth would be an interesting option at TE...I don't mind that idea at all... I can't imagine SD letting Weddle walk...I definitely want George Wilson Re-Signed...I think the Bills may try to get by on the cheap here having Drafted Searcy...But there are an absolute TON of potential UFA Safeties...This is an area that I can see Buffalo landing a decent Player just due to all the names available...I am watching the Michael Huff Situation closely though...The fact that he is close with Aaron Williams may help, though he's already stated he can't wait to talk to Jerry Jones when Free Agency officially opens...So I can see where that is going...I still think The Bills can get a REAL good option at Vet Safety for half of what Whitner is asking for... I'd rather see The Bills go after a QB with more upside than Croyle or Thigpen...Either would do as strictly a Back-Up I guess...I have to wonder if Nix/Gailey liked Cam Newton as much as some say they did, how they feel about Vince Young?...Say what you will about Young, but in his last 21 Games Combined his QB Rating was 88.97...He completed close to 60% (59.28) of his Passes and had 20 TD's to 10 Int's...He also had over 400 Yards Rushing and 2 TD's in that span...In comparison over the past 2 seasons Fitz had 21 starts and a 77.69 QB Rating, 32 TD's to 25 INT's, 410 Yards Rushing and one TD...Fitz and Young are basically the same age...You HAVE to wonder what Gailey thinks of VY coming to Buffalo... I think Kiwanuka is a DE and would struggle at OLB in a 3-4...How about Kam Wimbley (though he's not going to come cheap)? He's at least played some OLB...Maybe a young guy like SD's Antwan Barnes (4.5 Sacks in 11 Games as a Back-Up)... No question though...CB, S, TE, QB, and an OLB would be great!...
  17. Did he really say that? I thought The Bills were primed to take Willis if San Fran passed? I never heard that quote, but if it's true it make me want to...well...
  18. If The Bills are willing to pay Whitner that kind of money it would pretty much destroy any faith I have in this regime's ability to make quality decisions...Especially when you look at the UFA Safeties who figure to be available when Free Agency finally starts...It would be a mistake of monster proportions to pay Whitner anywhere near the average of his old Contract, let alone give him a raise...
  19. Totally agree with this statement...Some of the Whitner bashing gets out of hand around here, and I'm one of the biggest culprits for sure...But sometimes it is best for both parties to simply and politely part ways...Whitner may land somewhere and become the Pro Bowl Player he thinks he is...But the Donte Whitner wound runs REAL deep in Buffalo, and it is about more than just his play on Sundays...I'll admit as much...I would be more than happy to simply say good bye and wish him the best of luck...But when I hear Folks defending his play it does rile me up a bit...It riles up a good portion of the Bills Fan base as well I imagine...And that's exactly why it is just better to let go...Especially considering the amount of Cap cash we're talking about in this case...
  20. Totally agree...LOVE Gus and Steve...Gonna miss GJ...Definitely wish him the best!!!
  21. This is SUCH a great point and something the Whitner's backers who think he's "good" will completely ignore...One play that comes to mind immediately was the Sidney Rice TD last Season at Minnesota...Whitner is in perfect position to make a Play on that Ball...But he waits for the Ball to come down and tries to catch it waist high while Rice is jumping over McLovin's back to make an incredible grab...Watch the tape...There is no way that Ball should have got to Rice or McKelvin...But Donte simply is poor in this area of Coverage...You don't pay a guy $6 million per year who can't make that play...
  22. Please... We both know Whitner has been on the field more than Scott and Wilson combined...Games played and Tackles don't tell the whole story...If they did then yes Donte would be considered a good Player...But they don't and he's not good...He's a liability in the Passing Game at the Safety Position...How can any Safety, Strong or Free, be considered good when they are a liability vs. The Pass? If Donte was as good against the Pass as he is vs The Run then MAYBE the argument could be made that he is a good Player...He does not make enough impact plays to be considered a good Player...Believe me, I wish to God I was wrong about this but I'm not...He's just not nearly good enough...
  23. 60% makes it sound a lot better than 3 out of 5...
  24. If he was anywhere near a good Player he would be accepted no problem...You're over-exaggerating...We all know they made a massive mistake in not Drafting Ngata...But that's over and done with...No one expects Whitner to have that kind of impact...And if they do they're nuts...What is expected is that Donte have SOME kind of consistent positive impact...And sorry...19 Passes defended and 5 INT's in 69 Games is not going to cut it...It's no where near good enough...No one is making excuses...Turn on the tape...Look at the results...He's not good enough...period...
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