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Everything posted by copernicus137

  1. Just walked the dog past Tempo on Delaware, Wannstedt and Super Mario were outside checking out the architecture.
  2. 12 is the only retired number. Should 34 and 78 be fair game?
  3. Nix does like to see the baby...
  4. http://www.shopthebills.com/cj-spiller-jersey-reebok-home-replica-buffalo-bills-jersey.aspx
  5. Why use a message board when you can just argue with yourself?
  6. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...to-bills-staff/ Only outside linebackers though. also per Fewell733 in the shout box
  7. Maybe around 23:30 if I remember correctly. Sullivan wanted to challange Nix's comment about 80% of the media speculation being completely false, and 20% having at least a shade of truth. Sullivan said Nix needed to back that statement up and asked if Brian Shotty was contacted/offered the job. Nix said something along the lines of following suit with media protocol and not needing to back up a statement. "I thought that's how we play this game".
  8. Excellent! A much needed change of pace. Being a cynical sports commentator in the city of Buffalo is not only void of any creativity, it is also an incredibly lazy alternative to what was fomally referred to as "journalism". Unfortuantly, it seems to pay the bills for WGR. I'm not sure how Nix will pan out as GM, but cracking on Sullivan at the press conference was great to see.
  9. I was referring to how you responded to KD's post about being 90 and not in a box. I agreed with what I interpreted as a general appreciation for life in KD's post, disagreed with the infusion of the topic of quality of life when you mentioned your specific family members. My apologies for any confusion.
  10. I'm not sure the post was intended as a debate on quality of life issues as we age.
  11. Lengthy diatribes like this make the age of 140 character messages appear brilliant. Nobody ever said the Hall of Fame ceremony was intended to be a realistic, complete, unbiased review of everyone. (that hopefully gets taken care of in the selection process) It’s a day to honor the things that set the individual apart.
  12. I think it was supposed to tie into the "you were brilliant if you could break even" bit. Perhaps an example of just how tight money was.
  13. You'd think 90 + years in this world, coupled with a Hall of Fame enshrinement would earn you a pass from nitpicking. I thought his speech was humble and humorous. Public speaking isn’t the easiest task.
  14. My main philosophy is to play ESPN 2k5. Closest we'll get to having a Buffalo Bill on the cover...
  15. Is "I vow to file a lawsuit" kind of like "I guarantee the playoffs"?
  16. Don't get too excited when they move back up in the draft to pick a franchise quarterback.
  17. Peterson to Detroit
  18. I saw that post. I agree. I appreciate that he isn't afriad to throw punches, but it loses its value when he doesn't balance it with other insightful comments. Saying the Bills aren't the greatest franchise going right now isn't terribly insightful... Sully would scream at his grandmother for napping at the family christmas party and tell everyone they should consider it an enormous slap in the face.
  19. Is white ash really sponge worthy?
  20. radio broadcast: Strained Achilles
  21. Preston: 6'5" 326 26 yo Fowler: 6'3" 310 29 yo Both FA's after this year?
  22. I find him to be a very subtle character. In the past there's been a lot of humor there if you're willing to see it. He isn't a cookie-cutter cheer-leading media darling, and I think he's getting a bad rap because of it. I don't think of him as having a bad attitude, I think his sense of humor may actually be similar to Jauron's. It must be frustrating to be recognized by the league's players and coaches as an outstanding player, and have fans and media focus on sacks. Maybe he's a sensitive guy! As long as it affects his interviewing more than his play, I'm all for him throwing a line or two back at Sullivan.
  23. If that doesn't make him respect the intellect of a Bills fan I don't know what will.
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