I am so tempted to fly over the the US, find you and break your ankle and see how quick YOU recover...
Making you whine like a B word while I twist your leg until your ankle pops, the bone braks and your tendons snap off and flip over the bone would really find out who's a fuggin kitty...
It's all down to level of care, speed of diagnosis, quality of diagnosis, quality of treatment, how the body responds to treatment, yadda yadda yadda. Pro athlete or just me - it's different case-by-case. Not how much of a kitty you are or not.
And while I don't have to prove anything to you - I am sure Darin feels the same - the docs who have treated me since my ankle claim the nature of the injury i sustained would have had 99% of the population in plaster for 6 months. I had one for 2 days. So bite me.