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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. Oh - BTW - the Book is called Look at Me! Look at Me! hence the post title... not trying to do a look at me post. or was i?
  2. Dammit... see my sig... it's the damn short term memory problem screwing me up
  3. Sorry - but perspective is the preserve of people who are paid to worry about football. I am not paid to be a fan. So perspective goes out of the window for me... We can beat anyone! Look - I know we can improve areas of our football team (like anything in life we should seek continuous improvement) but that's for the offseason. Right now bruddah the Bills are winning with the tools they have been given. Screw perspective. Do all the shouting and going nuts you can - because on any given sunday we could lose and be left without Bills football for 9 whole months. That's not something to look forward to at all. Ease up. Enjoy. Worry about stuff in the offseason. While the Bills are playing - screw perspective, just love the Ws.
  4. We've always been the funniest... Monty Python... We have guys like Peter Kay (Phoenix Nights, That Peter Kay Thing, Max and Paddy's Road to Nowhere), Rowan Atkinson (Blackadder, Mr Bean, etc), Chris Morris (The Day Today), Steve Coogan (Alan Partridge), and loads more. I think it is just that we have a darker humour than US TV can't bear to produce but UK TV laps it up... The US THTV was really poor... I mean just dreadful. The two series that he did over here were fantastic - and the US version proves why it was good why he left it at 2 series. Sasch Baren Cohen is also fabulous as Ali G - again he appearances on the 11 O'Clock show over here were legendary (also launcged Ricky Gervais of The Office) and his first Ali G show was stupendously funny and cutting. Later series - not so good. I do love the first US series of Ali G in da US-Aiiiiiii. But it really loses it's sheen after one series. You guys should check out Peter Kay - stuff of genius... But you may not get some of it because it has such a strong tie to the NW region of the UK... If you've ever been to or visted Bolton, Chorley or Preston you'll cry with laughter. If you haven't - not so much. But take it from me it is spot on and devastatingly funny. Finally - and this didn't mean to be as epic as it has turned out - you guys need to watch out for a series called Green Wing - shown on Channel 4 over here. This is a piss take hospital series that had my sides hurting for 30 minutes every time it showed. Tears would stream down my face... I think a DVD will be out soon. 100% Nick in England guaruntee on that one.
  5. Well I have taken the lead and amended my sig as a disclaimer to anyone who reads my posts.
  6. I petition that we send Drew, and Drew only out onto the field this sunday. He can play all positons at once, while every other member of the team smokes spliffs of the sidelines. Coaches will be gagged so they can't help him out either. Then we'll have an idea of how far this organisation can go. Of course JP Losman would do better if he went out there, but he'll be too busy getting high and munching Cheetos to suit up.
  7. I got given the perfect book for my birthday. By Dom Joly (the guy behing Trugger Happy TV - which was far funnier in the UK that the US version which bastardised the UK show) it's his autobiography with som emajor embellishment. I smiled when I read the following as part of the legal bit at the front of the book. It's hidden, but I always read that stuff... Reminded me of a few people on the board:
  8. A football team is a football team at the end of the day. I'm giddy when the Bills win - irrespective of who they beat.
  9. Backward - on every pass attempt... because if he doen't start from the endzone seats, none of the completions will count really....
  10. I'll pee my pants with excitement if we win..... Yay - I have tingles at the thought... or is that tinkles at the thought
  11. Yeah but surely he meant Proud rather than prideful
  12. Mularky: Irregardless? Prideful? Does he need a dictionary??
  13. DUDE THIS IS THE SWEETEST STORY I HAVE EVER READ... This happens to me it would be like all my birthdays coming at once! Good work that man... Ogle them birds like a trooper on Thursday - and remeber - PICTURES ARE COMPULSORY.
  14. My god - there have been some strong drugs smoked round here?? Why so many predicting Seattle to make it?? ARE YOU MAD? They play horrible right now... I predict Philly and Pittsburg this year. Philly to win by 10. New England and Indianapolis I think will get unstuck in the Divisional rounds, maybe they'll make it to conference, probably Indy. NE are good and worth a bet - but I think they will get hurt by the injuries they are carrying. Philly are the only team in the NFC. They'll beat Atlanta at home in the conference. The rest of the NFC playoffs are blah.
  15. And their run in is not exactly nail biting either.... They play Pitt and NE and are expected to lose... But they also have Sea and Stl - so thats 2 winnable games to take them to 11-5
  16. 9 - without cheating too!!
  17. What is the obsession with getting loads of posts?? I don't get it...
  18. My Canadian friends are never seen without a Canadian flag on them when they go outside Canada.... But Americans are welcome to come to the UK without getting abuse... And there is no need to look Canadian either... So come on over!
  19. drink the beer. give him the :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: and run!
  20. nice reference. really top notch... i smiled when i saw it
  21. Simon what form of herecy is it to suggest MW plays LT?? You bad bad man... I think you are right... MW has turned up to play at last - and the talk was always of him moving to LT after a while of learning the NFL at RT... Given his performance lately, I think he's ready to be LT... I'm happy with that thought.
  22. This hurts the Jets D - there is a chance that they completely tank it now and lose all 4 remaining games.... They have Pitt this weekend, then Seattle, NE and finish with St Louis. It helps us as we have a shot to catch and maybe overtake them in the division, get better tiebreakers against them and stuff.... Need to pay attention to the minor details on other teams now folks... We are in it.
  23. I didn't see the game yet or anythin gother than the scoring higlights, so can someone break down how the fumble by Willis came about?
  24. I think that no matter what happens this year, the decision who to start is made in camp and the offseason based on performance, rapport with the team, knowledge of the playbook and ability to execute the playbook... NEITHER man has automatic right to the starting job next year - regardless of what happens this year - and that goes for EVERY player...
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