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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. Missed it - can someone give me the x's and o's of the formation and play run from it?
  2. At my time of posting there are approximately 9240 minutes until the Bills kick off against the Niners... Thats a heck of a long time.. Bloody Xmas is going to get in the way too - its a nice distraction, but I wish I could just fast forward to next Sunday right now.. These Bills are like a drug!
  3. Good stuff... only 11% chance huh... Thats good enough for me - I am high as a kite on the Bills right now!!
  4. Ya know AVP calls the game exactly like I do when I am sat on the couch, huddled up with my headphones listening to the broadcast. He goes thru the same emotions as I do - and it's great. I'll miss him when he leaves as the color guy (which he will next season) - it's like having another fan in the living room with you - and that is important when yoiu are 3000+ miles away. AVP is such a class guy - I'd love to sit down and drink a beer with him and talk x's and o's. The man was aroun d Buffalo for so long he'll have some great stories to tell...
  5. Said he didn't like the cold... kitty i say...
  6. Lincoln Kennedy on NFL Network already has picked the Bungles (even to win out). He also reckoned the Bills would wind up 1-2 over the next three, only win @ Moster Park... is that the dumbest stadium name or what? What was ever wrong with Candlestick?
  7. Takeo Spikes was turned down at audition for the Jills for 'being too good looking'. He rubben their faces in in Sunday with his own cheer-hunk routine at halftime.
  8. It is not anti-English in anyway. It is pro-English, pro-Britosh, anti-Roman as far as I understand it...
  9. Jeez - all this from a throwaway comment in another post...
  10. i'm still struggling
  11. TMQ is reserved for my journey home on tuesdays... I am partial to a bit of work reading if it's a quick dump... the longer ones usually get me we a surruptitious copy of a novel or the morning paper... less so the newspaper cos it rustles...
  12. A truer word was ne'er spoken.... let us bask in the glory before ICE comes back and yells 'told ya so'
  13. a premonition of sunday night you're having there??
  14. phew - it's not just me then!! I thought I was being dumb the other day!
  15. Yup we don't need Kitna to prove to other teams that he's every bit the QB he seemed to be last year
  16. I want to change my mind... I'm picking the Bengals in a 13-10 win in a heartbreak ending for us
  17. I can vouch for that... I watched it at the theatre and thought 'poop'. The Mrs like it so I got her the Directors Cut DVD... awesome
  18. You are entirely right. It deals with Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table as young men plucked from their lands of birth (i think somewhere near syria) and transplanted to England to fight for the roman empire. Arthur was already in england I think - his father being the previous ruler of the area south of Hadrians Wall... Anyway they all grow up and face the threat of invasion from a bunch of Danes or Norwegians or something. Just before they can all be set free from their incarceration as Knights they are sent by Rome to rescue some dude and his family the other side of Hadrians Wall.... It goes on from their with Arthur getting a concsience, fighting the Danes (or whatever) alongside Kiera Knightly (whom he rescus from a torture chamber). When they eventually are given their papers to leave the roman empires army or England protectors they decide that they can't go home and stay put. The end. This is seriously abridged - not too much of a spoiler as there is loads of action and fighting and stuff. It's a good movie...
  19. I'll guess Buffalo 17, Cincy 14 We can't keep scoring 30 a game... can we?
  20. Yup - Boxing Day. Left Coast. Not a good recipe for a win right there.
  21. Merlin is in it... but he's a pikey type of guy who might-of sorta maybe have magical powers... but probably not.
  22. Its a good wheeze - the story of Arthur is totally butchered and made up - but its a good movie to watch...
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