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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. This means Aaron Schobel makes the Pro Bowl............
  2. Little Saint Nick - Beach Boys!!
  3. Yup Mort is right. We blew it early. the Moo Cows control our fate. Don;t you just love David Carrs hair?
  4. ya lost me. SW is 'big' for his height? Or 'little' for his weight. Or both? Or wait a minute... ummm... huh
  5. Accepted The fan votes barely counts for anything - so its mainly on the players - and with all the politics around that, and the BIG NAME recognition, I think Dante Hall has the edge over McGee... They were talking about this the other night on NFL Live saying that Dante had the better shot as players will not know who McGee is... Same goes for Moorman. Almost everyone votes based on stats - not actual contribution. Even players do this. So I think Fletch and Spikes will make it. Along with Adams. Thats about it.
  6. Not for players anc coaches
  7. McGee may miss out because Dante Hall got that big return at the weekend....
  8. Hahaha - Who knew SDS was an Avatar fascist??
  9. I wish I lived in Buffalo. Anyone got a job opening for a Civil Servant who specialised in Internal Communications and Media?
  10. I like the new buttons below each post... Tasty update.
  11. Boing Boing Boing. Step Step Step Step Step. Dunk. Boing Boing Boing. Step Step Step Step Step. Dunk. Boing Boing Boing. Step Step Step Step Step. Dunk. Boing Boing Boing. Step Step Step Step Step. Dunk. xxxxxxxxxxxxx repeat for 4 quarters xxxxxxxxxxx Boing Boing Boing. Step Step Step Step Step. Dunk. Boing Boing Boing. Step Step Step Step Step. Dunk. Boing Boing Boing. Step Step Step Step Step. Dunk. Game over Final Score: 3021, 3020. Bball is so friggin samey. And what's the deal with the NBA allowing travelling anyway?? I see guys take up to 6 steps without dribbling before going for a dunk or a shot. Thats not Bball - thats tall guys jumping up and putting a ball thru a net. Not for me.
  12. Can someone do me a favour? I can't access Geocities from work - it's blocked... I'd like to see the 1024 wallpaper above - if it could be emailed or hosted elsewhere I'd be grateful.. PM me N
  13. I have shivers
  14. Hmmm - day-to-day normally means he is too injured to tell whats wrong with him... It gives me the willies.
  15. Same problem for me - But I hav Ahman Green and Deuce McAllister on the bench
  16. Kelso's Helmet you are right. Travis don't have too many friends right now - but if that boy was ot hurtin he'd be my best friend right now... NOW is the time that we could do with him showcasing his stuff for another team...
  17. I have that on DVD - i'll go review when I get home.
  18. I can't get anything definate out of the net - and I haven't read anything yet that tell me how serious his injury is. But if I assume that he and Travis are definately out of action at least until early Jan - do we have a legit shot at the playoffs without them? I suspect not. Despite Shaud Williams impressing in pieces the past few weeks - I don't like that we are so thin at RB and so inexperienced. If Travis was healthy I'd say losing Willis is not such a biggie - but as it happens, I think we can expect to see out last Bills action on 2 January Someone tell me I am wrong...
  19. 100% it is Ed Hochuli (sp?). That guys is aweseom. Also - check out his guns - man he keeps in shape for a ref!!
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