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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. I'm down 4lbs from 236.5 to 232.5
  2. ..... but the REAL Olsen Twins are HOT.
  3. damn 12134 and counting.... hehehe
  4. Ya know after 6 or 7 beers you could start to see those two in a different light. scary
  5. Fascinating.... I am thinking these will be the throwback uniforms that TD mentioned on BB some time ago. sounds good to me!
  6. Goal = 188 to 192
  7. SWEET! I've seen a pic of one of your daughters! I rank her more Philly Eagles cheer babe than one of the Jills tho!
  8. Cangrats!! But a Potential Jill? Don't beat her with the ugly stick at such a young age!! She's just a baby.
  9. I lost 4lbs this week... down to 232.5 go me
  10. I love that Calvin strip... (OT) I am going out for Beer and Pizza tonight
  11. Coldplay's debt deserves mention
  12. We cannot pay. Please remember that this 'job' is a once a week thing - maybe twice a week. Taking training on Thursday nights and Sunday's. It is not full time like over your way. If you have BUNAC kids who are in London doing work and want to have a go at coaching then let me know. They could do it as a fun sideline and get to know a ton of British guys that just so happen to love football too....
  13. Cool - good job too... Just not to my taste - I think I will have a go myself... Check back soon and I'll see what comes outta my head!
  14. Am I allowed to say that I don't like it? Red looks very bad on TV - and there is wayyyy too much red in that design of yours. The sleeves detract from the vibrancy of the red helmet and lend a confused identity feel to the whole look. I really like the monotone uni's that are about now... Subtlety of design look way more mordern that bold statements (like a Bills logo on the sleeve). Just my 2c.
  15. sorry bout this bump it's important to me
  16. Why would the leave out a Canadian team? That's just dumb. I'd look to insert more canadian teams and leave out stupid places like Miami (ICE Hockey? in Florida? WTF?), Atlanta, etc.
  17. Well done that man. I totally agree with the Counting Crows pick there. August and Everything After is a superb album, debuting at exactly the right time and filling a gap in the music world where no other existed. 'August' does not recieve much in the way of praise for leading a generation of music, or shaping later generations, but what it did was capture the mood and the feelings of a generation in such a timeless way that I think as a work of music, it will transcend time. Take a look at each song and the album and you get a feeling for just how good it is individually, but listen as a composition of music and you really expeience and album like no other. Superb!
  18. As many of you know - I play football for an outfit called the London Blitz, based in West London, UK. We have a youth (14-18 yrs) team that is currently without a Head Coach. We desperately need to find a coach - and our efforts so far have not borne fruit. If you know ANYONE living in or near London over here in the UK who may have an interest in coaching a youth kitted football side please put them in contact with me, or the Head Coach of the Senior side (I can give you details in a PM)... The Youth side have sent representatives to Great Britain squads, won national championships and show a lot of promise. The coaching position is purely recreational, meaning no money can be paid for the position, but the opportunity to teach and develop young football players should be reward enough for the right person. If you are visiting the UK from now until late summer, you would be perfect. Thanks - we need your help URGENTLY!
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