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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. Specially the verison with the commentary at either end of it... Love it when Boomer pipes up with "NOBODY circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills" right at the end of the song. And it's best when it starts out with Van: "He's at the twenty the ten the five he's in for the touchdown, touchdown Bills" da da da dada The Bills make me wanna.... EDIT: I just listed to the version from the Buffalo Bills: Ultimate Tailgate CD and it's Boomer at both ends of the song... Does anyone have this CD I'd love a copy... Oh hang on - I made it sound like an Usher song!! The Bills make me wanna... leave the one i'm with, start a new relationship... Maybe that's the alt for when times are bad
  2. Many happy returns.
  3. Love it...! What's the tune? I can't remember it from Marv's strangled versions...
  4. So could one potentially be a booster without actually being in the country? What do boosters do?
  5. cool! Try not to leave damp patches 89....
  6. I live in South London (Streatham) but I work in Westminster, right in the center of town... Depends when you over though - I will be out of town from 6 August to 21 August... Any other time and it'd be great to swill a few pints.
  7. A perfectly nice and funky pub on my road just recently installed table service... The barman is always busy doing anything BUT serving if you head to the bar, but if you sit down someone is at your table before your butt hits the seat. No I don't want to be served at my table for beer, and I sure as hell don't want to have 12.5% added on to my bill automatically when they bring me my tab.... It's a pub - you go to the bar and pay per drink - why change that? grrrr
  8. Well that's the damdest Anglo-French accent I have ever heard. Anyway - the character may be a mincing frenchman, but the man is still British. Hoorah!
  9. I have a tape against the Dolphins I think from 1996 where Darrick Holmes made a number ofk plays where he had 5 or 6 defenders around him or on him and he still dragged them for positive yards. He had flashes, and I was sad to see him go, but he was nothing special...
  10. I want to enable guys and gals in BBBUK to buy BBBUK custom t-shirts and stuff... I came accross Spreadshirt.com/Spreadshirt.net... They seem like a pretty neat idea to get simple designs onto merchandise at a fairly reasonable cost. I can't carry the burden of cost for T-shirts myself, so I need a company that will print as required and when people want them... PS - Don't mind if you Mods feel the need to move this to the consumer forum.
  11. Yes!! Find my article on the front page and it has links sign up as a Backer....
  12. I want a season ticket.... Those prices are so great... The stadium should sell out on season tix alone...
  13. I wish I could be in the Booster club and attend meetings... Sigh.
  14. I am glad he and his family are OK. Ruben is one of my favourite Bills players ever. He's a great guy and it is a shame that so many people think badly of him for his play over his last couple of seasons with the Bills. He was the shining light of the Bears OL last year, I wish we hadn't of let him go.
  15. TOTALLY AGREE. And the damn American tourists over here have gotten people into a mindset where they expect a tip for the most ridiculous things.
  16. Picard because he is British
  17. It's hard to ignore something as sound and as sensible as what Mr Smith is saying... With Black Eyed Peas making a go of it off the back of their socially conscious hit 'Where is the love?' there may be a route back into the mainstream for Rap and Hip Hop artists that DON'T celebrate drive-bys, drug taking and B word slapping. 3rd Base, Tribe Called Quest, Jungle Brothers, Stetsasonic, Run DMC, YO MTV Raps - man those bring some memories!
  18. I prefer more sedate bar room games... The beer mat flipper being my favourite and most difficult to master. Many a barman has been scarred by low flying beer mats when I am at the bar.
  19. It's slightly different, but my football team played a team on Saturday that could only field 14 players. We whipped them 41-0, but their players stuck at it, going both ways and fighting through injuries (i don't feel bad about that cut block at all) to keep playing the game, despite clearly being the underdogs before they even turned up with such few numbers. And their Coach STILL believe they can make the playoffs. It's ridiculous to penalise kids for being too good. The crappy kids should face up to the fact that they suck and the defeat will teach them that they have to work hard to improve. Asking the good team to quit just makes them think it a typically American way that if they can't win, they either won't play at all, or they will destroy their opponent by other means.
  20. I heard the same - but they have been singing from that hymn sheet for a while now. This new website better be good... I hope that now they are in Marketing, the chaps arranging Bills Backers might be able to lend a hand to chapters that need it... It should help them better target marketing opportunities so I am all for the switch.
  21. I'm too incompetant to try anything like that. I'm relying on the Bills site to manage my memberships and keeping a simple mailing list in Thunderbird to mail members. What BB.com need to do is provide 'presidents' with an export facility with that list so we can capture all the information on email addresses simply and use them constructively... I have suggested it.
  22. It's all to do with getting the members registered 'officially' with the Bills online... It may not be 100% true - but I like it! NYCBBB has something approaching 1000 members if I am correct...
  23. and a good digestive biscuit.
  24. Bills Backers Chapter ranks I'm so good... My hard work is starting to pay off.
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