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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. UPDATE: In the light of no experience I went ahead and signed up anyway. http://www.spreadshirt.com for all you US types. It's a very handy site where you can upload your own designs to have them added to clothing and merchandise and even set how much commission you want to make as the store owner. I just set up my own store - a US one will appear shortly. http://bbbuk.spreadshirt.net Comments welcome
  2. I was only speculating... I haven't seen it yet... EDIT: Do they use the original WOTW music?
  3. OK - I am going to see this tomorrow night - it opens over here tonight on general release, so tomorrow is my first chance to see it. I'm a bit sad to see that Hollywood has transplanted the story to the West Coast of the US instead of Surrey. For me the story automatically loses some of it's innate charm by going to a US location. The reactions in the original story being so very British that I am not sure that the translation to a US setting will be totally comfortable. I do understand WHY they did it though. I haven't heard if they have kept the original music score from The War Of The Worlds that has had me scared to death since my Dad would play it to me as he read the story at bedtime. If not, the film will score minus points from the get go, because WOTW is WOTW vecause of that score. Anyhoo - it's going to be the first part of my Brothers Stag Party (Batchelor Party), so we'll have fun whatever. The drinking starts in earnest on Saturday (inc. Karaoke bar and a couple of clubs)
  4. Yeah De La Soul!! Where is my iPod? Need to get some De La Soul on there!
  5. means probably... just a slangy sorta shorthand...
  6. I'd try it but a fuggin hour to cook what amounts to scrambled eggs with butter and fried pasta (maybe with pickle juice, but I'm thinking a good splash of p-iss might be as good) just isn't a valuable use of my time...
  7. mcgahee = make go he makes defencer wanna make go
  8. I was talking to a friend of mine who is a Pats fan yesterday, and we were talking bills/pats. So he says to me who's your coach and I tell him Mike Mularky. He says to me....I bet that's comforting having the name of your coach come up like it's a big joke. Never thought of it that way and it struck me funny but hope its just his name and he's not a big joke lol.
  9. But with a name like Losman he is bound to win. And by wearing #7 he's bound to be unlucky. So he'll do a Kelly and make 4 straight superbowls but never win one. It's all in the tea leaves. A pats fan said so.
  10. Having now read the piece, I agree, he's spot on. We have a big ? over LT with a rookie QB. COuld spell trouble and we all know it.
  11. Yes Damn - that place is meant to have Rob Johnson, Friggin Lonnie, et al
  12. I so often ignore John Clayton. The man is an irritating arse. A mincing frenchman of huge proportions...
  13. This thread has prompted me to use the ignore feature for the first time.
  14. Count me in - but what's the damn tune to Marvs song??
  15. Every good Bills fan has those names tattooed on the inside of his right thigh...
  16. Great notes Lori...! Good news about the ticket presale too!
  17. oh the little things - that had me alughing out loud...
  18. Justin B I thought the decision had been made to move him back to DT...? A few updates have been made to official roster - player bios and pictures, etc...
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