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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. Stojan's right - the man is a cunning fox. He's proven time and again that he has the right strategy for dealing with personnel issues. I was crying out to bin Travis earlier in the off season, but it looks like now that by waiting we are going to get the best value out of Travis... I always hoped we'd hit a situation like this... No matter if the Hawks are using TH as leverage over SA, it puts the heat on Tenn and Jacksonville to make something happen...
  2. I thought I would update you all on my football team. Some of you are familiar with the fact that I play LG (at just about 202lbs now ) for a team over here... Well this season we are 5-1 and have just booked a place in the playoffs. If we beat the 10-time national champs on Saturday we will win our division already with 3 games of the regular season to go. We also redesigned ourwebsite (well I did)... You can keep up to date on http://www.londonblitz.com/ carry on.
  3. I'm in - NFL.com all the way - I love their system.
  4. Forgot to mention that you can store multiple ICE contacts... ICE ICE2 ICE3 and so on, so if one is not contactable they can go to the next. Spread the word.
  5. This was forwarded to me, and it sounds a really good idea - especially given last week's events. East Anglian Ambulance Service has launched a national "In case of Emergency (ICE)" campaign with the support of Falkland's war hero Simon Weston and in association with Vodafone's annual life savers award. The idea is that you store the word "ICE" in your mobile phone address book, and against it enter the number of the person you would want to be contacted "In Case of Emergency". In an emergency situation, ambulance and hospital staff will then be able to quickly find out who your next of kin are and be able to contact them. It's so simple - everyone can do it. Please do. Please also forward this to everybody in your address book; it won't take too many 'forwards' before everybody knows about it (indeed, it got a mention on Radio 4 this morning). It really could save your life.
  6. Fantastic - I am in.
  7. I got some now. R Rich - my Dad is sending money in the morning... I'll be in Lot 1 in the morning for some tailgating and section 123, row 11 for the game can you feel it?
  8. R Rich is hit up... I hope he smiles favourably upon me
  9. Well - i just found out that the only game I can make this season is the Patriots game on 12/11. There are not going to be any Individual Game tickets available - so I was hoping someone knew of a way of getting tickets for the game, or if a season ticket holder was not going to be able to make it and would be willing to sell them to me for that game. I know this is a reach - but I have been offered a free trip (courtesy of my Dad who is desperate to see the Bills again) - and it's over the weekend of 11 December... I *REALLY* hope I can work something out.....
  10. Oh and there was me thinking WSOP might be something good. Televised Poker is about as dull as anything I know - and the characters that play are bonkers...
  11. I think that France lost the bid on the back of Chirac's comments earlier that week leading up to the bids presentations. Also - security remains a concern in France, despite the attacks yesterday. London's bid focussed on the legacy or sport WORLDWIDE - following the example set by Sydney in a way in which Paris didnt - thats another reason is succeeded.
  12. We are OK... I said in another post that people look a bit tense, and jumpy on the underground... I suspect I looked the same. The streets are quieter than normal becuase people have stayed home for a long weekend. Other than a couple of train cancellations we're doing better now.
  13. I might make a Nick in England Media Whore t-shirt... Actually - I might make BBBUK 7/7 T-shirts and sell them for charity... Gonna think about a design over the weekend.
  14. It does do me good!! Thanks Bb
  15. Am I going mad? I don't see a Bills reference...
  16. Reign of Fire is a cool movie... Not sure I coulda watched it yesterday though... But anywhere else in the world y'all should carry on as normal...
  17. 2) there is still speculation that a suicide bomber was on the bus.
  18. His comments were taken completely out of context and disgracefully blown out of all proportion by the media... Particularly the camps reference... I also object to the inference that Europe is increasingly anti-semitic... I don't think ANYONE can be whiter than white on Israel right now... The US especially.
  19. I'm OK! Everyone I know is OK. Work is OK (sadly) everything is getting better now... I'm focussed on winning my football game on Sunday now.
  20. My question is at the bottom
  21. Cool toy... But I got bored after 5 mins.
  22. Lots of things are back to normal now. I headed in to work on the underground today - but not until after 10am so the rush hour was done with. Everything was fine - but there were lots of scared, jumpy people around... The streets in Central London were very quiet - much less crowded than normal - most people it seems have taken the chance for a long weekend.
  23. It all seemed a little raw earlier... Sorry to be snappy... We are all now looking at the effect on the global community and economy....... I held my breath all the way home. Managed to get a train after having walked a way to the mainline station - home safe now... Gotta see about getting back to work tomorrow. They say the tubes will be running - so hopefully there shouldn't be too much disruption and it is back to business as usual. Don't let the bastards get you down..........
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