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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. My favourite - a TRUE classic http://www.weddingcrashersmovie.com/crasht...ex.htm?id=33311
  2. Eric would be well advised to take whatever money the Bills are willing to pay him and retire here. I fear for his safety and the mental stability of some fans if he leaves.
  3. In fact - I thought more about this... SCREW the public - Bills fans deserve first shot at tickets. So if they want them, they should register as a Bills fan.
  4. I vote that he dies quickly and his family are forced to sell the team and that it ends up being moved to LA or someplace. A new Owner and Location are what this franchise really needs to get going some place.
  5. Because we are poor, and not all are guys can afford to buy their own helmet - so we have to get what we can... Now if we can find a way to get sponsored (we are trying but it is hard) or get some gear donated from a team in the US that is refreshing their kit we'd be very grateful. More info on our financial situation at : http://www.londonblitz.com/sponsorship.htm
  6. Nope... Well - only a couple of games when I was at schoo. I hated that the sports teachers at school treated Rugby players like special kids. Not being too athletic myself back then I objected and tried football instead... the rest is histiry..
  7. I think we are going to head to the airport after the game - not too sure... But normally we have headed for somewhere warm for a shower and food right after the game. I just want to make sure I got some drinking buddies for the saturday... and that I can get back to the hotel OK without costing a fortune in cab fare!
  8. Hey I can drink the British stuff every day of the week (latest tipple is a cracking beer called Spitfire)... I may as well get some cold American beer to swill down the Wings...
  9. OK sorted.... So they are in the vicinity of the stadium huh? So it would be better to get a hotel in Orchard Park or Hamburg for Saturday night?
  10. He is still a UFA and has not been signed. I think he is a firm backup at both RT and LT. But yo can go ahead an pencil in Gandy as the starter for now... I don't see that changing unless he stinks it up in Training camp. As of now you have to know our starting OL is: Gandy, Andersen, Teague, Villarial, Williams. The backup spots are what is up for grabs.
  11. I don't want to B word toop much because at least the tickets are sold and the blackouts will be lifted, but it's still really harsh that they charge upwards of double the ticket price to fans....
  12. I need to make sure I get this right - Big Tree Inn, that's where a bunch of y'all drink on/before/after gameday right? Is that the same place as Danny's?? If not can someone break down for me where each is and who I'm likely to see there on a Saturday night?? I'm trying to get a hotel booked for the NE game and trying to decide whether to stay Downtown at the Hyatt (it worked out well last time but is a pain because you have to drive back and can't drink too much) or whether to book a room at the Holiday inn in Hamburg or Motel 29 near the stadium... If some of y'all are going to be places on the Saturday I'd rather go closer to there to shoot the breeze Sat night and sample some more fine American Lager and Wings.
  13. See the above post... R.Rich is wayyyy ahead of you.
  14. WHY I OUGHTA........
  15. I was mad at Pat when I first read these comments - but then I realised he probably wanted to stay in Buffalo for the length of his career and his sour at not getting the shot. He's a good guy and I won't rip on him for being upset that he was forced to leave a team he loves. Hope he can retire a Buffalo Bill.
  16. Well the players have unofficially nicknamed the O 'Machine' and the D 'D-Block'... The guys on D break the huddle with a 'Booya' - real cheesey - but pretty scary... Us guys on O just try to run out, execute, get back in the huddle and do it again. Like a machine. You'd expect a bit of Americanisation though - after all - we all love American Football enough to play it. Being British about it would ruin it!!
  17. Scalpers have already scooped a load of tix thru group purchases
  18. I did karaoke the other day and they had the lyric as Sheck up the hook while my dee shay preforms it. Don't the Japanese KNOW Ice Ice Baby by heart?? Cos I sure do... Word to your mother....
  19. Because the Bills want to build up their daytabase of Backers and a good way to do this is to gove them perks like ticket pre-sales. Don't gripe - it costs nothing to join Bills Backers - so just do it and take advantage of the presale. Use the links in my sig not join up. You never know - if you join a chapter you might even meet some good friends.
  20. just got money to R.Rich in the post - so you all have the pleasure of a rowdy Brit in section 123 on 11 December... Who's in that area from the board?
  21. So over there if you are a casualty you need to have your NOK contacted?
  22. Or unconcious... Or not able to communicate... Or so severely injured that they don't have time to quiz you about who your NOK is, they just start doing stuff and then think about contacts later...
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