I think the Bills AND the Titans have to be the Winners here. The Jags don't even figure.
Look at it this way. Jax are a good team that could threaten for the AFC Championship soon - they do need to be sure that they have a good RB, but if we believe that Taylor can play *some* of the season and their draft pick and backups can do enough they can ride that D and and improving Leftwich/WRs they're good to go.
Tennessee on the other hand now have a good RB to tanden with an equal RB in Chris Brown. They don't have a lot else going for them, although they can try and stay competitive the Flaming Thumbtacks are on their way to a period of rebuilding. Travis is going to be there to help shore up an offence in a major transition from McNair to, well someone else, so they have to be positive they can at least run the ball a little. But let's face it - they are in decline.
And Buffalo... Well we should be happy with our Backfield Stable. We have a resurgent Willis McGahee keen to prove to the world that all that college potential is now true NFL stardom, we have a capable backup in Lee, and a nice house of other guys all of whom have markedly different skills to threaten a D with. Mix in Damion Shelton and we're good to go. We play both Jax and Tenn next year - so we made the smart move in dealing our good RB to a team in decline and avoided strengthening a team on the rise that we have to play real soon - AND we picked up what is likely to be a good spot in R3 next year.
So Tenn and Buff win - Jax don't even figure.