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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. Coldplay are pop only because they are popular... Their music, IMO, is touching, uplifting, carefully written and crafted and many are true epic songs of their time. I understand not liking them, Chris Martin's voice could to some ears sound too dirgey and off key, their melodies are often 'flat' - but I for one love Coldplay. Every album has been superb - I hope there is more to come. PS - seen them live before too - VERY powerful!
  2. bad news jz..... i am resigned to having heart problems (they are in my family all the way already) so I guess it's a matter of tiem for me.. but i'd hate to have them so young. I'm 25 - and I hope I have many years of health ahead of me... Stay strong and take care.
  3. Damn... There have gotta be unused Military bases to use with accommodation and sanitary facilities in the area... I guess they are looking into using those as a longer term fix. I don't see any way that these football stadia are a long term solution in anyway. 7 days max before the situation in those is untenable.
  4. Jeez Rob - good luck... Take care. Friends of mine back from Iraq say it isn't pretty. Be prepared to empty a few magazines....
  5. my maths was right... my post wasn't... I still think Reed and Wilson get cut.
  6. nope it is blacked out as expected.
  7. http://www.worldwidewords.org/topicalwords/tw-cha2.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chav another couple of good links... Chavtowns is funny at times - but you have to know the towns to get it.
  8. hahah ok sure A chav is easily spotted. A guy chav will usually have close cropped hair, shaved around the sides and slightly longer up top. He'll wear a large, cheap earring in one, possibly two ears and almost certain to wear a cheap, chunky blingy neck chain and similar wrist chain. He'll be likely to have at least 3 sovereign rings on either hand. He will be wearing a designer branded shirt - probably Ralph Lauren, Burberry or Dior and definately addidas running pants (4-sripe variety because he got them from the market). These pants will have zippers up the lower leg, or poppers, that will be worn open halfway up the calf. He'll probably be wearing some kind of Puma Sprint white trainers or tan rockport boots and a flimsy designer cap (clasically a burberry tartan cap) or a shell-suit material cap made by Nike or Adidas. Chav men will usually be spotted 'hanging around' town centres, parks or public transport hubs drinking cheap cider and smoking cheap cigarettes. Girl chavs wear a similar assortment of clothes and jewellery but will have shoulder length hair scraped back into a high pony tail and are likely to have a good deal more cheap ear, nose or eyebrow piercings. They also normally have a baby at a very young age which will be dressed in all manner or fake designer clobber and certainly expensive footwear - Nike booties and the like. Does this help? Try chavscum.co.uk for more...
  9. I've been thinkign about how the roster shakes out - and with us likely carrying 6 WRs to start the season (Parrish being the injured 6th) we are looking at losing one of Reed, Freddy Smith, Haddad, Wilson and Aiken. For me the smart money is on Wilson and Reed being cut. Wilson is clearly bottom of the heap here - he's made some plays and has nice size, but not sure he's done enough to get a spot. Reed is there only becuase he's the most experience right now - and his lack of size hurts him. I think we hold on to Haddad, Freddy Smith and Aiken for their various ST contributions... Shame - cos I like Josh Reed...
  10. Ah the other London team have had our number for ages... They are too good. But they are in Div 1. We're in 1-A so this year we only played them once in an inter-conference game, so we got them out of the way. Our playoff opponents are 1-A teams, so we hopefully can get 'er done. No bettin gon our games - too small fry.
  11. Oh indeed. Chavs are scum.
  12. #89 - go to the game. Fez is right - don't let it get you down. It is sad and all - but if we all had to stay indoors eating ice cream and feeling bad every time the world was crappy we'd never go out. Celebrate tonight what is good about America by going to a football game. Celebrate - and remember the suffering at the same time - sheesh, guys like Eric Moulds have GOT to be there, so help them in this hard time and support.
  13. Yeah I have a feeling that the old British Stiff Upper Lip would come in. I think over here you would see every church hall, sally army hospice, town hall, and school hall packed with old ladies making tea and cakes for the homeless and lots of builders setting aside their Sun newspapers for a few days to help the relief effort... Don't kid yourselves though - we have just the same problems as you have and others besides. What we don't have is such large densities of poor/lower economic status population in high-risk areas. So who knows.
  14. http://www.londonblitz.com Hey y'all - some of you may remember that I play football for a team over here in the UK. The good news is the season is near it's end and we are about to play in the National Division 1-A Semi Final on Sept 11. We ended the regular season 8-2 - more info on our website (that I have redesigned). Wish us luck for practise this weekend and the Semi Final the following weekend. If we win, the Final is on Sat Sept 24...
  15. I just wondered why JSP isn't jumping up and down and crying about getting money back from Israel? $2.2bn per year sent to the Israelis - but what we don't need that back because the US is friendly with Jews? Oh but those Islamic Malasians can go fugg themselves?? Stupid stupid hipocrisy.
  16. Here in Britain we don't even do that any more. We took a leaf outta the US books and decided to shoot on sight people we don't like. Better make sure you have a tube ticket if you're a Brazilian in London.
  17. oops - MODS - you may want to move this to PPP - I forgot where I was.
  18. Before a speech on Anti-Social Behaviour just now, Prime Minister Tony Blair said Britain offers its 'sympathy, solidarity, prayers and thoughts' to the people of the Gulf Coast of America. He said he offered President Bush 'whatever support is necessary' during a conversation last night.
  19. I'm no great fan of lots of subforums. The main board here offers such a wide variety of topics, rather than focussing on JUST the Bills, and it is that that keeps me coming back here rather than other forums. I think of TSW as a bar room - the main subject is Bills Football, but it's OK if I want to throw out a tiny tidbit on something else... I don't want to have to go to a different bar if I want to talk about chicks. But I'm cool with going to a different bar to talk Politics - its a different crowd ya see. Have I made sense?
  20. ah but did you goose The Queen?
  21. Funny story with that video... Some of you know i work for the MoD over here. That video started circulating around our email system a couple of months back. It was a 50MB file back then, fresh out of Iraq. Well - once 3000 people in your head office start passign a 50MB email to all of their friends it can cause havoc - our entire IT system completely shut down as a result. The video made the papers for being the biggest computer crash in the MoD in years!!!
  22. Yup - Lorn is hanging in there are is picking fights with Robert Gallery according to one camp report He's played sparingly in every preseason game - on STs on I think so far, but has yet to record a tackle or repeat his kick blocking feat from NFLE. The Raiders are high on him and he will be on their practise squad this year.
  23. Screw it. Hey - maybe if you hold the world to ransom for all the money you gave them over the years or else you'll bomb their non-American, non-Christian asses off the planet for good they will change their opinion. Get a clue. You don't have to be Muslim to disagree with American politics. But you don't have to be British to like Americans. I'm going home.
  24. AMERICA: OK World. We are in charge here now. Do as you are told and eveything will be fine. WORLD: OK, no problem. <NATURAL DISASTER hits AMERICA. AMERICA busies itself with fixing things. World looks on with concern.> AMERICA (mad): Hey world - why aren't you helping us? WORLD (scared): You didn't tell us to. See what I am getting at?? Ignoring the fact that aid HAS been offered, and gladly, what you guys fail to understand is that you are the greatest nation on earth and can deal with this like no other country..
  25. You shouldn't feel bad - but you also shouldn't EXPECT other people to help you out because you gave them a helping hand. You guys done good - but now take care of home, it is what you're best at! Good luck! Me and the rest of the UK are here is ya need us... figuratively speaking anyway - there are professionals......
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