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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. First play: Quick kick from the shotgun. They wont expect it and we can win the field position battle.
  2. from nfluk.com
  3. Barmy = Bonkers, Mad, Nuts, etc
  4. dyamn.....
  5. The England cricket team have a group of travelling supporters at every game called the Barmy Army... They have a chant that could really hack off the opposition... I want to start the very first Buffalo Bills Barmy Army. Here's how the chant goes. Divide your group into two. First half of the groups shouts "Barmy Army" The second group immediately shouts "Barmy Army" and you repeat ad nauseum. You can also elaborate to say: "Mike Mularky's Barmy Army" but make sure you pronounce Mike Mularky with only 4 short syllables... So for the Barmy Army chant - make it: BAR-me ARR-me And: Mike-MUH LAR-KEE BAR-me ARR-me go on. you know you want to. do it loud and proud. BARMY ARMY
  6. 200 is up now! 201-4... kick on now... IIIIIINNNNNNGER-LAND INGER-LAND INGER-LAND
  7. about 3 inches... yeah he's so close to getting binned.
  8. Yes - best uniform in football...
  9. The aim of cricket is simple - score more than the opposition. Two teams, both with 11 players, take it in turns to bat and bowl. When one team is batting, they try and score as many runs as they can by hitting the ball around an oval field. The other team must get them out by bowling the ball overarm at the stumps, which are at either end of a 22-yard area called a wicket. The bowling team can get the batsmen out by hitting the stumps or catching the ball. Once the batting team is all out, the teams swap over and they then become the bowling side. Each time a team bats it is known as their innings. Teams can have one or two innings depending on how long there is to play. The Ashes Test matches are over five days so England and Australia have two innings each to score as many runs as they can. Whoever scores the most runs wins. But a cricket match can be drawn too. That happens when the team bowling last fails to get all the batsmen out. But this is only when there are two innings per team. If there is one innings, the only way a match can be drawn is if the two teams score the same amount of runs. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sportacademy/hi/sa/c...ics/default.stm
  10. cheeky arse!! and we're not 'losing' 131-4 we have scored 131 and got 4 out... we got 6 outs to go before the ozzies bat... the ozzies right now are 0-0 so we don;t really know when we are losing until Sunday - but it sure don't look good for now. and cricket has tension, skill, excitement, personal battles, injuries, taunting, tactics, strategies, and more. it doesn't need scantily clad babes to keep it interesting... dont get me wrong either stojan - Football is my #1 sport - but cricket is in my blood as an Englishman, and it really is a superb sport.
  11. Bloody Warne just took his 4th wicket. Pietersen gone now 131-4, looking bad for England As for getting cricket - after this Ashes series I can honestly say I think cricket is the finest sport on the planet - it has everything you need. Take time to learn it - I think you'll be surprised.
  12. Is the player that touches is on Team A or Team B? If Team A (Kicking) it's a touchback. If TB - it's still a touchback unless he gains full control of it - in which case it is a safety.
  13. Willis McGahee. 2 yard dive running right up behind Mike Williams from a goalline formation.
  14. Damn - 2 down now. Captain Michael Vaughan now out for 11 trying to drive through the covers on Warne but kept the ball up and it was a neasy catch. 102-2
  15. no no and no again Holcomb is a career backup with only a handful of good games to his name. he's not even a Trent Dilfer FFS! no way we win a superbowl with KH.
  16. This might be better http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/radio4.shtml?radio4/lw
  17. crap - one down. Great catch by Hayden off Warnes bowling. Trescothic gone for 43. 86-1
  18. how appropriate!
  19. Love it - they already have Warne in to try the sliders and googlies... hehe 66-0 now...
  20. here is a question: why was there only ever 1 picture of Che Guevara?? I would have thought there'd be at least one picture of him at a birthday party - surrounded by 9 year olds with milk spurting out of his nose cos he's laughing at a joke
  21. hahaha Richie Benaud just described himself as a 'compulsive hooker' in his day.... If you lot can pick up TMS on the net you should - the cake talk later onm will be fantastic
  22. McGrath and Lee are opening with the new ball... Trescothick and Strauss opening for us and it's 7 for none in the 4th over. Brett Lee has already caused problems with reverse swing, but the batsmen haven't been troubled so far this series by the new ball - we'll get the shine off the ball and let them keep sending it down short and ride out til lunch. CMON ENGLAND!!!!!!
  23. u calling him a poof?
  24. Schneck snacks on Snickers
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