For not the first time this year Eric Moulds has been bitching about the play calls. Lee Evans has joined him now. Willis MacGahee has basically told Mularky to fugg off. The Defence spouts more bullchit than makes good plays.
What's all this bad attitude about? Last time I checked there haven't been any playoffs played in Buffalo for, hmmmm, what, 5 or 6 years? And when was the last time we actually won a playoff game? I don't even want to go there.
This team bought it's own hype after we all 'Billieved' last season. And then, ooops, the Steelers 3rd team steam rollered us all over the field.
So this time, all full of themselves like they got nothing to prove, the players come out and win an easy one, and tank it in a couple of winnable, but by no means 'easy' games. What is their response? To B word, to moan, to exhibit bragadoccio and to diss the coach.
So where does that leave us, the fans? Well it leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth and it leaves me wondering in these players have the character to be able to come out for the next 13 games and fight for each other, for the team, for the fans and for the city.
I just don't know the answer.