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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. What you never saw Superman?? EVERYONE has heard on the Maid of the Mist!!!!
  2. More more! I love it. In times like these I go to my sig line and take comfort.
  3. As if it couldn't get worse Sam Adams leaves that one hanging..... Sam - I can tell you what you need to do - but I'm sure you already know it. Don't leave that hanging out here - give 'em the answer... Batter up.
  4. Yeah it would be good to find a way to get Lionel on the field a couple of plays per game. Shaud Williams is a 3rd down RB only. I'd like to see more of a threat from our backup RB on gameday... Is there a case to sit Joe Burns a few games to free the spot for Gates??
  5. For not the first time this year Eric Moulds has been bitching about the play calls. Lee Evans has joined him now. Willis MacGahee has basically told Mularky to fugg off. The Defence spouts more bullchit than makes good plays. What's all this bad attitude about? Last time I checked there haven't been any playoffs played in Buffalo for, hmmmm, what, 5 or 6 years? And when was the last time we actually won a playoff game? I don't even want to go there. This team bought it's own hype after we all 'Billieved' last season. And then, ooops, the Steelers 3rd team steam rollered us all over the field. So this time, all full of themselves like they got nothing to prove, the players come out and win an easy one, and tank it in a couple of winnable, but by no means 'easy' games. What is their response? To B word, to moan, to exhibit bragadoccio and to diss the coach. So where does that leave us, the fans? Well it leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth and it leaves me wondering in these players have the character to be able to come out for the next 13 games and fight for each other, for the team, for the fans and for the city. I just don't know the answer.
  6. Well I'll be leaving the Wife in England - so if there are bitches to pick up between Toronto and Buffalo, yep I'll bring my B word wit me... aaaiiiiii
  7. affirmative
  8. The you must visit here... http://www.maxim-magazine.co.uk/ But more specifically... here... http://www.maxim-magazine.co.uk/beauty/cov...s.php?id=17034# But most of all... here... http://www.maxim-magazine.co.uk/picture_li...im_pic_5688.jpg
  9. Google? For BotD we demand something more powerful. Bookmark Maxim UK, FHM UK and more
  10. Alternative BotD Gemma Atkinson and Carley Stevenson http://www.maxim-magazine.co.uk/picture_li...im_pic_8214.jpg
  11. I feel like we could create a British Babe spin off BBotD
  12. Keep voting folks. They screwed the bracket tho - we should be up against the Pats....!
  13. Share! JSP isn't loving my preferences either!!
  14. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Abbott+Rd,+B...0&start=0&hl=en There they are!
  15. Damn hotpockets pushing things to the bottom!! I'll see what I can do as far as visitng Rochester goes. It might be a bit tight to get there Friday AND make it to Buffalo airport to pick up my Dad... So where is good to go on a Sunday night in Buffalo? Looks like I'll soak up some of dow town again Sunday...
  16. I like this thread a lot. Keep it up.
  17. NFL Network for 100% sure
  18. huh? recap for me - i am having a dumb 5 minutes
  19. If Freddie makes the right cut that coulsa been a score...
  20. However you spell H-O-L-C-O-M-B, you still spell his position the same B-A-C-K-U-P Q-B
  21. You're right. Who let Puhonix in? Off Topic is D M E D
  22. No he lines up at QB so is a QB. He is fair game once he fully crosses the LOS an only then. Sorry but them's the rules.
  23. Ah good. Now we have the running game going lets see if we can't get Mark some catches... JP needs that safety.
  24. Hard to argue with sanity huh?
  25. Hehehe quickly let's for the Off-Topic Club. It can be like the PPP forum, we'll have in jokes and everything. Main topic of conversation: how dumb the Main Board (MB) is. All snicker like schoolgirls now...
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