So TKO is done for the year. "Big Deal," I say. The TDB crowd looks on at the crazy Brit, perplexed.
Here's why I think losing Takeo is not as big a blow as it seems: because we had to make a major change, and now our hand has been forced.
Let's face it Messers Spikes, Fletcher and Posey have not really been able to gobble up the run so far this season and Messers Schobel, Adams, Edwards, Anderson, Bannan, Denney and Kelsay haven't done too much to help that. So that leaves Co-ordinator Gray with some stark schoices to make in terms of how to use his personnel.
With Spikes in the line up it gives Gray too much choice - he can big blitz but rely on Spikes quickness to save him if it all goes horribly wrong. The backups for Spikes can't do the same so it should force Gray to play a little more conservatively and a little more Run D focused - let the backfield take care of it's own business.
And what does losing Spikes mean for the team as a whole? I for one think the D could do with a LOT less 'Leaders' (aka mouthpieces) on the field and more guys who will just go out and play. Addition by subtraction in this case. And anyway we need a leader Spikes will do it from the sideline in civvies.
Also - how does it change the offence? It doesn't. Losman needs to get better. The recievers need to make plays. The Line needs to block the pass. And Willis needs to continue in Sunday's vein.
This team can still challenge for the AFC East. The challenge that presented itself the past 2 weeks remains the same without Spikes. Look at NE's injuries - at some point (according to Michael Smith anyways) they will have to add up to some losses at some point. Coach Whyche believes Harrison, not Bruschi is the key to the Pats D. Factor in that they have only 3 healthy DBs and a rickety left side of the OL right now you're looking at an opportunity to knock the champs down. The Jets have lost 2 critical Offensive leaders in Pennington and Fiedler - you really think Brooks Bollinger can take the Jets to the top? Me either.
This team needs to stop what they are doing. Take a deep breath. Take two deep breaths. And go out and play football each and every Sunday (bar the bye week for the pedants) until February.