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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  2. My vote? Mike Gandy... Get's no love but has been our most consistent performer...
  3. noooooo I love TKO - awesome player and I am devastated I don't get to see him play. Our D DOES have to step up - i'm just offering a suggestion as to why it still CAN even without its best player.
  4. Either way - under Olympic rules he would be banned for a year if not more. Rio Ferdinand - one of the best soccer players in this country was banned for 8 MONTHS for missing a test which he did eventually turn up for, albeit hours late. The circumstances were dodgy, but excusable and it was proved he was 100% clean. But a missed test over here = IMMEDIATE ban. None of this pussying about the NFL does.
  5. Thanks for getting it Gavin. Sure losing Spikes hurts. But losing Spikes while we are struggling forces the coaches to do something different, and that might be a good thing.
  6. I like her cos she's dirrrrty. Like Aguilera but better. And she's got a great rack, great booty, great body.... excuse me everyone....
  7. My next vote: Fergie, Black Eyed Peas.... rrrrrrroooooowwwwwwwwwlllllll
  8. Actually you have it right. Players go nuts with banned substances until they are caught the first time because they can get away with it. After that it's quit or take a hit. The NFLs substance abuse policy is a joke.
  9. When I watched Blair Witch I had to leave the theatre because I felt sea sick!! All that damn jiggly camera
  10. We are the 7th ranked D in the NFL. Lowest Passing YPG, only 50PA and 2nd overall in the AFC. Our O on the other had..... 31st - ahead of Houston.
  11. Alright thanks - I think that decides it then. I make him get the late flight out of Buffalo at 10pm or something... Only thing left to find out now is if there will be anyone in the bars/clubs on a Sunday night in Buffalo when I am left alone.
  12. Don't want to sound harsh - and willing for knowledgable people to tell me otherwise - but now that Hunter has passed, does Jimbo have a different view on coaching?
  13. So TKO is done for the year. "Big Deal," I say. The TDB crowd looks on at the crazy Brit, perplexed. Here's why I think losing Takeo is not as big a blow as it seems: because we had to make a major change, and now our hand has been forced. Let's face it Messers Spikes, Fletcher and Posey have not really been able to gobble up the run so far this season and Messers Schobel, Adams, Edwards, Anderson, Bannan, Denney and Kelsay haven't done too much to help that. So that leaves Co-ordinator Gray with some stark schoices to make in terms of how to use his personnel. With Spikes in the line up it gives Gray too much choice - he can big blitz but rely on Spikes quickness to save him if it all goes horribly wrong. The backups for Spikes can't do the same so it should force Gray to play a little more conservatively and a little more Run D focused - let the backfield take care of it's own business. And what does losing Spikes mean for the team as a whole? I for one think the D could do with a LOT less 'Leaders' (aka mouthpieces) on the field and more guys who will just go out and play. Addition by subtraction in this case. And anyway we need a leader Spikes will do it from the sideline in civvies. Also - how does it change the offence? It doesn't. Losman needs to get better. The recievers need to make plays. The Line needs to block the pass. And Willis needs to continue in Sunday's vein. This team can still challenge for the AFC East. The challenge that presented itself the past 2 weeks remains the same without Spikes. Look at NE's injuries - at some point (according to Michael Smith anyways) they will have to add up to some losses at some point. Coach Whyche believes Harrison, not Bruschi is the key to the Pats D. Factor in that they have only 3 healthy DBs and a rickety left side of the OL right now you're looking at an opportunity to knock the champs down. The Jets have lost 2 critical Offensive leaders in Pennington and Fiedler - you really think Brooks Bollinger can take the Jets to the top? Me either. This team needs to stop what they are doing. Take a deep breath. Take two deep breaths. And go out and play football each and every Sunday (bar the bye week for the pedants) until February.
  14. And if we do park in a stadium lot? Could we make it out in time to get to the airport for like 6.30?
  15. I'm booking flights for my Dad to go from NYC to Buffalo return in Dec. I need to know from your experiences how long it takes to get out of the stadium, into the car and travel to the airport after a game... Basically can I get out at the end of a 1pm KO, possibly with snow around, and get to the airport for him to catch a 7:25 flight?
  16. The points every time man. I think the problem is Schneck related too. I would guess that the velocity of the snap, the angle of the ball from the snap, the amount Moorman is having to work the ball in his hands before he drops it for the kick has changed with a new punter. Factor in chaos theory for each of those, the bounce of the ball if it hits the turf etc and you're looking at a high number of potential bad punts. Moorman has lacked consistency so far but at any time could come back to nailing perfect punts. It also depends how much kicking time he got in camp with Baker hanging around...
  17. Anyone in the travel industry or otherwise have a useful travel itinerary template or planner I could use? Ta.
  18. FFS - another loss and he's my money pick to lose it completely
  19. Once upon a time, a man asked a woman "Will you marry me?" The woman said, "NO!" nd the guy lived happily ever after, went fishing, hunting and played golf a lot , drank beer ,watched all the sport he liked, had enough money to retire at 45 and farted whenever he wanted. THE END
  20. Ahhhh. The Stadium Wall - where Bills fans come together...
  21. Hmmm OT forum?
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