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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. YUP - further proof that Mularky and Clements have fotgotton what type of team they worked hard to build. They have tooled up to run the football with an OL full of maulers, but not great with finesse, and a RB who is ready to lead the league in rushing and a QB who needs time to develop and then all of a sudden we get in the game and they want to pass. We shoot ourselves in the foot too often with field position and Time of Posession in the first half by abandoning the run early and trying to establish JP. By the 2nd half we are down, and need to pass to stay with the game. It's silly.
  2. I would bet they would bring one of the following: Oakland, New England, Philly, Atlanta, Miami, New York Giants, Dallas. Pick 2 of the above for a London Regular season game. I belive they are the big market teams that get most promotion over here. The Bills and the Ravens might get consideration along with the Bucs as all three have good following...
  3. Quite simply Mexico is the next biggest market for NFL football in the whole world after the US. Mexico has 20million viewers of NFL every Sunday and the popularity of NFL teams like the Cardinals, Cowboys, Chargers, etc is massive. The NFL can make a ton of money out of Mexico, and tap a potential player pool to expand that fan appeal. The NFL will always look for ways to make more money, and overseas markets is an untapped resource as far as that goes. THAT's why the NFL made such a big deal about it. Not forgetting it is the first regular season game EVER to be played outside the US. America's favourite sport goes to foreign shores - and that's a pretty big deal too. Don't underestimate the popularity of NFL fooball in places like Japan, Mexico, Germany and the UK...
  4. Good post. Jeff Burris moaned in the pre-game show about the Bills lack of identity... I.e. this is a running team that thinks it wants to pass the ball. Classic yesterday was that first series. Nice tight playcalling, running the ball and passing when necessary. Then after that we tried to be way too cute with the passing. When will the coaches realise that we DON'T have to work JP into the game this early in the season? Willis can run well - just run the damn ball and take baby steps with the passign game. Holcomb should NOT start. JP needs to stay there, stay handning off to WM then some to SW then some to DS. Then when it is 3rd and 2, or similar he can dunk one to Josh Reed for the first... Bah I promised myself I wouldn't post too much here today - it's all too fresh and sour... Time to realise this team isn't good enough.
  5. Genius. I know a guy who own's (and wears) a pair of leather chaps. He wears them with what only deserves to be described as a black 'smock' that opens to the navel. He wears a gold chain drpaed down his hairy chest. He is most distasteful. He is almost certainly a closet homo. ...and before some wiseass pulls the "I bet it's not a friend, I bet it's you" crack... It's not me. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  6. The NFL hopes to take another regular season game abroad in 2006. Wembly Stadium in London is bidding, and i *really* hope we win it. Unfortunately I don't think the Bills would play here...
  7. Board in meltdown. Need OT relief. JSP - bring on the babe. Everyone else - post OT's like you've never posted OT's before. Beast the OT board - don't make me read the doom "out there".
  8. Yeah they were wayyyy to cheap to pass on. KC especially.
  9. Getting moved or moving with the gap???
  10. Whiskey makes people angry like Gin makes people depressed... Go figure.
  11. Jerry Gray read my post of a few days ago... Nick Manning for DC!!
  12. Yuk. Too old for me.
  13. Those guys that did the Macarena Nina - of 99 Luftballoon fame The Playoffs in Buffalo Marathon Bars My youth
  14. The Longest Yard had me laughing so hard I cried... Awesome stuff. It's not one of the greatest football movies ever. But it's still a cracker! Even the wife liked it - and she was no great fan of Friday Night Lightts which we saw recently too.
  15. Fakhir might have a point about JP being able to straight drop back and pass. He threw from the shotgun in Tulane right? All of this about using rollouts and his mobility could be cover for JPs inability to hit a WR on a 5 yard out from a 3 step drop... If so he and we have a long season ahead. He'll have so much to learn.
  16. I think we'd have traded up to get Carr or Harrington. I also think we'd have picked an OG or OT in R2 - someone like Andre Gurode who the Cowboys picked at number 5 in R2 or Mike Pearson, whom the Jags picked.
  17. Oooh GoBiB, you're so soft and warm...
  18. Thanks all - good advice. I've made my Dad catch the 10pm flight - so we can go back to my hotel and warm up/have some dinner before he flies back to NYC. I myself will stay in Buffalo Sunday night before I drive back to Toronto to catch my flight Monday... Ta!
  19. Campbell can catch - it's just that facing 2 stellar D's in 2 weeks has meant they have used the TEs as blockers more than anything. That and any time we did use a TE - we had Neufeld in running patterns... And he REALLY cannot catch...
  20. oh yeah - aren't these from when he got handed the job??? you're right. old news. next!
  21. having read the offending article... i think he's just trying to be open and honest... plus it's gotta be hard for the kid with Moulds bitching about him and Evans joining in... The coaches need to reel in the whole squad, tell them to bit their lip and follow the party line. Right now the media wants to stir up a train wreck - and Bills fans don;t want that. We want JP to succeed...
  22. Hmmm - well the Dolphins should feel good... After all - the Panthers beat the Patsies and were vaunted for it...
  23. He's just trying to say something to make people feel good about him... I don;t think his confidence is taking a knock at all...
  24. AMAZING AZZ... Love it...
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