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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. mmmmm.... hit me
  2. This post has managed to sustain me through at least 4 tedious days at work now. Hoorah for Aruba!
  3. IMO JP needs to play at LEAST 8 games this year - preferably more. With any fewer next year starts just like this year. I like winning as much as any of the rest of you - but JP needs to be in the huddle, making plays not stood watching on the sideline. Look at the Niners - they're going with Alex Smith NOW - at 1-3, just like the Bills were... I'm not giving up on the season - but if we are going to have any long-term success or a shot at the title it's going to be with JP at the helm. He needs playing time pure and simple. If he's not back in in 3 weeks time, we'll be mortgaging next year on his development too.
  4. How many friggin times do we have to hire a new OC????
  5. As far as MM's handling of the media: IMO he needs to relax a bit more. He did a good job last year and he's getting testy this year cos he is feeling the heat. He'd do well to get the media onside and spinning it his way to cut the team some slack... He's trying the Herm Edwards petulant approach, and there is nothing I abhor more than Herm Edwards.
  6. Actually they are out of a job without the fans. So they owe us a considerable amount.
  7. Nahh I ate those I'll ship some more from Buffalo when I get there. It's just easier to do it like that.
  8. Yes here in England....
  9. Don't want to split hairs - and my British understanding of the US judicial process may not be 100% - but OJ was proven not guilty and acquitted of all charges in a criminal court. Technically speaking he was not guilty of the crime he was charged for. In a civil court OJ was found to be liable for the deaths - he was not found guilty in that sense of the phrase.
  10. I'm here - I see it... PM me... I'll see what I can do. I am in Buffalo in December - so I could mail them or drop them off then.
  11. Yeah I am in the JP camp too... Develop him at any cost. The team put their future in his hands. The future is coming, the future is now. It's got to be about JP from now on. Sheffield Utd???
  12. Why were the Bakers hands dirty????? Because he kneaded a poo.
  13. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  14. What happens if I press this butto---------
  15. Why do men have to wear suits and neck ties to be respected at work?
  16. Quoting Greg Garber of ESPN.com What an intiguing insight. I know the quote from JP was replayed not so long ago here and by the NO media in the lead up to the game. We all (me included) poo-poohed it as a training camp throwaway remark. But JPmight have precipitated his own problems by trying to do to much to appease the 'older men'. He seems to hook up OK with Reed, Willis, and Evans (to a lesser extent), and I predict Parrish will blossom if JP is tossing to him... But JP hasn't hit his older veteran recievers and TEs Moulds and Campbell. As a young guy not too much older than JP I can sort of understand that. In the presence of 'older men' you subconsciously reign yourself in outwardly, but internally you're telling yourself you need to impress and prove yourself. The power struggle between these two opoosed ideals is going to make for interesting results (see JPs poor play and my bad jokes in my ew workplace).
  17. We trade down if we end up last. You can bet the farm a team that needs a QB (Arizona? Miami? NY Jets? Detroit? Tennessee? Baltimore? Washington? Kansas City?) will give their whole world to sign Leinert. Lots of draft picks would mean we could jettison some older vets and stock up with good quality young players. You could potentially be looking at a high 1st rounder, 2 2nd rounders, 3 3rd rounders, 3 4th rounders, 2 5th rounders, a sixth and seventh... 13 picks... Hell we could even trade some of those for quality veterans! I think we'd trade down to #2-4 and pick an LT in R1. That or we could sign Reggie Bush!!
  18. Moulds is just back in his good year/bad year cycle. Unfortunately last year counts as a good year.
  19. Our OL is worse this year???? Dude - we started Lawrence Smith last year...........
  20. Good for you. Boo him loudly. He's behaving like a spoiled overpaid athlete. Oh wait......
  21. Maybe we should throw in the towel and wait for Leinert...
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