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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. Damn - already? Man thats got me pumped... not long til I am in Buffalo! I love driving in the snow I'd better bring warm clothes, eh?
  2. while we are n the subject of Madden 06 - anyone have any tips for the Superstar mode? I get bored really easy and i just wondered if anyone has taken a Superstar anywhere decent? I dont mind all the practising and all that - but my points value goes up so slowly - it's tough to crack the starting roster... Tips welcome!
  3. oh cl you made me laugh thanks...!
  4. Gin makes you depressed....... Its good - but it makes you depressed if you drink it often. I can't even smell Southern Comfort any more... a whole bottle at 18 and LOTS of barfing later I've never gone near it again...
  5. FSU have a campus here in London... I think I'm a gonna be 'nole hunting this weekend...!! Actually - if any of u know FSU coeds who need s friendly - errrr - face, when then come to London... my username is Nick in England and you can PM me here at TheStadiumWall.com where I will respond promtly to your message. Please include a telephone number, address, headshot, body shot, and pen picture of the coed you know, along with an idea of her favourite meal, music, film, flowers, chat up lines, etc. Thank you.
  6. Doesn't seem to affect anyone any more... But I'm not worthy enough to be in Bruschi.
  7. Yup - Now.... My premise holds true. Playoffs are a mathmatical chance only now... Throw the kid on and hope of a ray of sunshine. Even if it rains, the downpour will have eased off by the end of the season and we go into Sept 06 with Sunshine...
  8. I'll spend some reserve on one of Cincy
  9. Totally agree. I 100% think that JP needs to be back in the starting line up for the last 8 games... Whether he gives us a better chance to win is questionable - I don't really think he does - because Holcomb has a degree more smarts than JP does right now. But regardless, he should start...
  10. So the Bills have fessed up and told us all they may go with a line that looks like this: Gandy - Mike Williams - Teague - Villareal - Jason Peters Now I fully expect board meltdown as the posters who called for Mike to move inside start crowing, the posters that label Big Mike a bust start crowing, and the doom-mongers to start crowing because that's what doom-mongers do. But - this to me is a sound move. Gandy and Villareal have been solid if unspectacular and don't deserve to get shuffled. Jason Peters derves another start because he too has played solidly when required (and it's always good to get that kind of athlete on the field). Teague - we'll he's the great divider on this team - I think he's been solid on the whole but there are enough question marks to mean the big surprise this week might be Duke Preston at C. So I'm left with Mike Williams at guard. My money is on him doing well there - and I'd like to see him there for a good many years to come... But at his currewnt price - that boy needs to be the greatest G that ever lived...
  11. San Diego Pittsburgh Kansas City New York Giants Seattle
  12. Totally concur on the Anejo... There is a Anejo Tequila called 1800 - if you can find a bottle I can reccommend it. (EDIT: here it is http://www.grandwinecellar.com/detail.aspx?ID=872) also - forget lemon and salt. thats a recipe for puking as you probably know. Orange slice and cinnamon goes far better...
  13. Duke Preston will not play guard next year. He's our C designate and will play C next year. Teague will be gone - and I think we're seeing a very shaky season for Chris V that could spell his demise. As a curveball I think our OL next year looks like this (probably different to my previous ideas but who cares?) and backups in brackets: Peters - Anderson - Preston - Gandy - Williams (Draft/FA) - (Geisinger) - (Draft) - (Villareal) - (Jerman)
  14. OK - so where better?
  15. OK I'll take a look at a place in Canada on my way back... but I need reccomendations and details of costs, etc for Buffalo on the Sunday night...
  16. Canadian Ballet I'd have to say I probably am... Doesn't look like my Dad is sticking around. So i am on my own Sunday night...
  17. ahhh it was too late for that for me... it was 5am. i just went to bed and slept grief kicking in now... along with a headache from lack of sleep
  18. i wanna be on that optimism train too... but Monday is the grief stage... you have to give me my grief day
  19. there was another horse collar on McGahee that had me jumping up and down and not a sole on the field or the tv called it out disgrace
  20. We could still go unbeaten from here on in. Ahhh who'm I kidding? Stick a fork in us, we are done.
  21. It's the Miami fan in you...
  22. Well you can hardly say it is not true. It was on the TV coverage last night.
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