Tally ho dear chum... Off to the footy and all that. Spot of tea before the lads give the oppos a jolly good chuffing shoeing...
England soccer is one of those things that brings out the rabid patriotism in me...
Truly if you have never experienced 80,000 people in Wembly Stadium singing 'God Save the Queen' and going mental cheering and shouting at the end that you will not know...
Beckham, Rooney, Gerrard, Owen, Terry, Lampard and co will have your guts for garters. The lot of ya...
COME ON ENGLAND! 50 days to go!!
Kirwan is a snoozefest.
I hate reading his colums where he wanks on and on about chats he's had.
I play football - and I have met some guys who talk the greatest game in the world but put them in pads on a football field and, well, their talk doesn't go too far there.
Kirwan shags on and on about players he's made no effort to research or study - he's just shown up for work each week and someone handed him a phone where he talked to some people. His opinions??? Not worth a penny to me.
Wank on Kirwan, wank on...
"Now I filled in the coupon already... John can you take this dollar and go play my lottery ticket for me? I'd go myself but you know what my hip gets like in this weather and the kids! Oh my when I was at Coe College..."
...John Guy's footsteps...
Only kidding Marv.
Insider source - the BB.com site is only partially complete. Good stuff - I really like the changes and recent additions. And take note Bills Backers - more functionality for Chapter presidents....
Yeah - I was in that boat too when I was younger. It's like the staple beer in bars to be honest. For people with no palate. I don't mind a cold bud on a Summers day - but I do prefer some others.
Lager-wise I have been sampling the influx of Polish lager flooding the shops in London. Zwiec is the most common. Otherwise, with lager in pubs/bars I'll go for Kronenberg 1664 (French), Staropramen (Czech), or Hofbrau (German). The middle ground is occupied by Leffe (Belgian). And beers I'm sampling anything the pub has on offer! You guys will like some of the names of beers I have had lately:
Waggle Dance
Fursty Ferret
Green King IPA
Old Speckled Hen
London Pride
Abbott Ale
Honey Dew (aka Bee Poo!)
When I was in Buffalo I was pointed in the Direction of a brewery run by two local guys: Phin and Matt. Most all of the beers I drank of their were good.
At the moment here in London I an on the Fullers Brewery Ales - if you can get them look out: London Pride probably the staple, but they to an IPA and a range of others.
This is a very bad move.
I think it also will have a knock on effect on viewing access out of the local area too. I know UK stations sometimes use the local footage...
Ha you are wayyy older than me then
BA in Journalism - specialised in TV, elective in Multimedia Authoring
3 years webmaster and design
3 years magazine/newsletter production
2 years video production (script writing, editing, camera, producing/directing)