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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. Thurman - sorry dude - but signing for the felons was soooooo wrong. Boot.
  2. Details, report, links and more in my Blog For those disinclined to read an engaging Blog... we won. 39-3. We're 2-0. Also - don't forget to read the total homer game report...
  3. I shared the odd PM with GoBiB - he had kind words and advice for me when my mother-in-law died suddenly and he also had an appreciation for attractive British women. It is chilling and sad to hear he killed himself - I don't want to imagine the pain and despair he must have been feeling. But my thoughts now are with his family and friends he has left behind. Life is hard, but a suicide hits the people left behind the hardest - Tom, and anyone else that knew Paul please accept my condolences and know, for a fleeting internet moment, you are in my thoughts.
  4. "Udonkey snaps the football, the QB drops back... Udonkey wheels around sprints backwards towards the QB, recieves the hand off and heads back to where he cam from on a dive play!" One year our Free Safety got injured on a play that ended with us backed up on our goalline. To account for the injury our Head Coach told our biggest, fattest, slowest lineman to go in - he was replacing the safety cos he's injured and we're down on the goalline. Coach looks away... At the snap of the ball Coach looks back to see Big Fat Belly Boy stooped over like a DB, 8 yards deep in the endzone. Playing safety. They ran a sneak for the score right over the centre... :|
  5. One year - when I was playing DL, I played one play at MLB. They ran a sweep. I feel down in pursuit. Next play I was back at DT. :| Defence sucks. OL is what it's all about. Altough when I retire, I want to be a TE.
  6. Yah know what? The most I have ever advanced the ball in 12 years of playing football is 6 yards. In fact tat's my total too. It was a fumble recovery. Rock - i'm not really big enough to play OL - but I used to be, and by the time I got too small to play OL I had played it so long I can be pretty useful... Put it this way - I'm starting ahead of a ton of guys are are OL sizzed guys.
  7. The left lane is for driving in. The right lanes are for overtaking. Or am I being unhelpful?
  8. Dude - I am OL - I NEVER play special teams!!!!!!
  9. I'm having a slow day at work, and having done some admin for my football team here I am in a mood for some good football stories. If you played football at any level, why not write it down and tell everyone about it? Victories, losses, injuries, great blocks, catches, runs, passes, tackles... anything. So who's got good football stories?
  10. Oh and some pics and a proper game report here: http://www.gridironuk.co.uk/artman/publish...ticle_782.shtml
  11. Maybe....... Just maybe.......
  12. I like the 200 level in the corners... You can normally move around after halftime anyway. But the 200 level gives you a great view of the field (same as the Press Box) and the corners are cheap-ish too.
  13. We played our first game of the season yesterday... Details in my blog...
  14. There is a great driving tour of Buffalo taking in some stunning architecture - have a look at the tourist board website... Also - the Darwin Martin House is worth a look. It's a seminal Frank Lloyd-Wright building... Can be found on the north edge of Delaware Park. Also - try the wings at Mammosers in Hamburg.
  15. In my view he should have allowed play to continue and let the goal stand... The guy rarely penalised Barce - but was quick to brandish the yellow card for Arsenal... It smacked of being one sided.
  16. Nope - the Premier League does not suffer the corruption that Serie A does. In fact - Serie A is screwed with corruption and bribes and La Liga (Spain) is screwed with institutional racism and racism from the fans. I hope England can shed our hooligan image this world cup - we truly have one of the most fair and tolerant football societies now in Europe and the World. FWIW - Arsenal were robbed by a shady ref and West Ham broke my heart in the FA Cup. Not a good way to start the WC fever... Did anyone see how pissed off Thierry Henry was after the game? He accused the ref of playing for Barce!!
  17. You do realise that the English game is always renouned to be the physical, less skillfull variant of the game right?? I geuss that's changed a bit... the knock of Italian leagues is that they are boring with WAYYYY to many 1-0 wins.
  18. ?? Too open? Explain........
  19. Character only does so much. Fat Mike was a character guy when we drafted him.
  20. Texans @ Bills Opening Day 2005. I gotta say, I REALLY hope JP can get it together, win that starting job and take us deep in the playoffs and the future... He's got a swagger, an attitude and way of playing QB that when he's firing is great to watch, and you want to rally round the kid. Go get 'em JP.
  21. What's wrong with his teeth? (says the British guy) I'm just glad the stylists made him shave that terrible link beard. Made him look like his chin was trying to escape from his face. The goatee works well for him.
  22. Who is the Chipmunk in the front row?
  23. Yeah that McGahee he's just Antowain Smith with more hype...
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