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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. Can anyone imagine the traffic hell on the bridges if it was in NF? It's bad enough on game days as it is.
  2. I could care less about the call. I want to know we have signed Levitre.
  3. Sign of the times... *sigh* I think he looks reeeeeaaaaal pretty.
  4. WOW WOW This is massive. I can't work out fully the implications.
  5. one man, a dog and a half eaten taco
  6. Rainbow Bridge. Unless you can be super early, then just do Peace.
  7. +1 I was pretty hammered come end of game - so that part about taking a year off may be why I thought he was out of football.
  8. Well - it was dark, I only had my phone on me, and I have a pic of me and Lee from the Big Tree in 2005 when he was more relevant. Why do I need a new pic of me and him sh*tfaced in the dark at 2am? Also - the idiots in this thread are what I was talking about on Thursday. See what I mean Jay?
  9. Maybe. But I don't think their vote will be strong enough to make the PB. KW could, but will be tarnished by poor play on DL across board. Won't make. Wood and Levitre are homer picks for the PB. Not happening. Can't overlook star power of Spiller, that avg.
  10. This isn't one of those "seen at the airport" posts... He was hanging and watching the game this week. I saw him and we chatted for a bit - but I was hammered and he was too. Can't recall really what we talked about, but he was obviously having fun. Football career definitely over. Remember that much.
  11. Easy: Byrd and Spiller. Maybe Leodis. Nobody else will even come close.
  12. Serious comments about this awful situation aside... There was a helicopter flying above the stadium on Thursday night until well past 6AM. Sleeping in my tent in Hammers Lot, this was a serious barrier to undisturbed sleep. I guess they found the guy around then, because the helicopter left and I slept soundly until beyond 9AM!
  13. Refs penalty calling is BS. Really BS How they so often favour NE at home is a joke.
  14. I'll be there parking with Kenny's crew. Kenny and I chatted and he's going to give me one of his open spots for the year... Does that make me prime or general?
  15. Now you're talking about pursuit! Quick moving the goal posts!
  16. there's also a question about effort in preseason... but that said poor tackling now is a cause for concern - preseason is the time to try to get your form tackling down pat.
  17. So all this tells you is that the talking is just that: talking. Merriman could be whatever the talkers wanted him to be - but in the end, you looked at him on the field and he really didn't get it done. I watched for him in the first preseason game on the sidelines and he seemed to be lacking the energy/intensity he is known for. Just looked like a man who was trying hard but had lost whatever it was that made him before - be it the ankle, the attitude, the passion. I don't know. I thought then maybe he'll be a victim of the cuts. Given the numbers for him - you have to think this is a purely football move.
  18. Sign of the times. 'Papers can't make money if they give away their work online for free.
  19. Forum nazi... (hides)
  20. I thought he looked small for an MLB.
  21. With pride I can say for the first time ever I will follow them in person every home game with my new season tickets. For away games I'll watch on TV or perhaps make the odd game in person.
  22. NFL.com Game Pass Please do not solicit for illegal streams.
  23. I stopped reading when I read Zachary Thomas. Next! Squish the fish.
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