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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. Food musts: Nachos with plenty of cheese, jalepenos, sour cream and chilli. Hot Dogs. Pizza slices. Chicken Wings (with blue cheese dip and celery). Popcorn. Drink musts: Beer. Shots. Any questions?
  2. Yes - and you could serve chocolate fondue with marshmallows. Oh - and have plenty of Rose wine on hand. And cheese souffle too. And don't forget to decorate the room in pink team logos, rainbow flags, and have a fetish room in back.
  3. Guys - what gives with everyone busting a nut to put 'official' in the title of their threads? It's officially retarded. Putting the word official in the thread title makes your opining no more relevant, no more interesting, no more likely to be read and commented upon. It's bugging the hell out of me that every 3rd post is an 'official' post. Who gave you the poster the accreditation to make your own post 'official'? To which office are these threads official of? Just stop it.
  4. This is retarded. Willis is one of our best players. Why even consider trading him??
  5. I'm the fatter guy.
  6. Very possible... Brian took good care of us. You'd remember if you tended bar for us - we were the British guys!
  7. Try making the trip to play pro-football in Germany. Or hook up with someone on a football team in the UK or Germany who could play your guy, and attract the attention of NFLE Scouts. Get into NFLE and make a run at the pro's that way.
  8. That guy on the right if definately the best looking. He must be Lee Evans.
  9. anyone got a downloadable version of this?? i can't view it inline at work.
  10. http://www.nickandjulia.com/ploggertest/in...ure&id=3762 here's me and Lee Evans on my trip to Buffalo. The gallery also contains other pics of my trip in December, and lots of me and my friend Greg in a VERY hungover state. fortunately we deleted all the pics of drinking on Chippewa. Those don't need to be seen by ANYONE.
  11. So which team gets stiffed with only 1 home preseason game in return??
  12. Well said my Gallic cousin. A game in Europe would be so easy to market it's untrue! Fans from accross the CONTINENT will flock to see it. And revenues will be sick when you add in all the merchandise sales, inflated ticket prices (a standard ticket to a Premiership game costs £50-60 aka $100-120). Don't forget TV deals the NFL would make for the game, the exposure these 200-odd travelling American sports people would generate - the marketing will not be an issue at all. Also - last time I checked, Europe is in the same hemisphere as North America. Do they teach geography in High Schools??? The SF/AZ contest proved that the NFL has a market outside of the US. What's more - the NFL sells it's TV rights in the UK for Millions of dollars. Germany has it's own branch of the freakin NFL! Of course a real NFL game will be well attended!!
  13. lets get these Europe threads merged please mods.
  14. When the Bills win the Superbowl, I have also told my wife I am getting a Bills tat. It will be the charging Buffalo, in black ink only, smashing out of a #79 (my number).
  15. If it is Buffalo and if it is London I am more than happy to take that task on! It will be a pleasure to host you all.
  16. Passport apps take about 2-3 months I think??? I hope you can come over. It'd be a blast.
  17. Of course - everyone is welcome who can make it! I'm moving from a 1 bedroom flat to a 2 bedroom flat, so it won't be a snug, but you are all welcome. Think you'd come over Hammer?
  18. Very very true. Please come to England!!
  19. Let's get Billy Buffalo up on there and be done with it.
  20. No sweat. if it is London i'll have about 40 or 50 tickets to get all my friends and family there!! kidding - but Bills Backers Uk would definately order en masse.
  21. I'd dump that book too!
  22. If it is in London - I'll officially open up my residence for Kenny to stay with me.
  23. Not quite correct. I have a large community of Bills fans in this country who would also be happy. Not including the 50,000 registered fans in the UK of the NFL, 20,000 American Football players, and numerous more (estimated in the millions) who would like to see NFL football in the UK.
  24. Wrong. Britain has a flourishing American Football league with over 35 teams, and hundreds of thousands of fans.
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