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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. Hey look, I saw one of RWs best rushing days ever (235 yards in a blizzard in Buffalo) and for sure he was a heck of a running back. but he has so many negatives: 1. He's a Dolphin 2. He smokes so much dope he'd be a liability 3. He doesn't have any passion for football 4. Interviews with the helmet on?? 5. He's a freak 6. He's a Dolphin I cannot identify ANY upside to having Ricky Williams in Buffalo. This would be desperation tactics IMO.
  2. freester, welcome to my ignore list.
  3. If yes, I have a request.
  4. i dunno- i thought he was worth more than a couple of 3rds and a 7th
  5. For the life of me Massachusets may as well not exist. Because I did this three times and didn't get it in the 10 minute slot any time!! My brain appears not to have space for all 50. I can get 40 of them in 3 minutes and the remaining 10 (random each time) come in drips and drabs. It's all those faceless middle states that get me.
  6. TBD goes Olde English
  7. Looks to me like Lee Evans could argue for a new contract soon. His numbers are LOW for a #1 WR.
  8. What's amazing is that the earth has writing all over it..!
  9. I am registered 8 times too. Also - have group ticket requests in. The available tickets will liekly only be 30 to 40 thousand, as Wembley have a debenture scheme and sets will go to debenture holders before public sale. Europeans may as well not get excited about getting there. My insider info with the NFL in the UK is that priority will go to fans actually in the UK, as opposed to those on Germany. NFLUK wants to make the UK market THE place for NFL games, and wants to make sure that the fans are British first. Tickets on sale in two months time on presale to UK based fans who registered, and due to demand may be limited to 2 per application or household. All this from the head of the NFL in the UK who is a Bills fan friend of mine.
  10. She has a nice ass. Think we could call her Bum too?
  11. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/nfl/super/s...wl-xi-plays.htm
  12. Superbowl XI - 1976 Oakland 32 - Minnesota 14 48 1–10 QB Mike Rae knelt down, loss of 2 (after recovering the onside kick with :25 remaining). Maddens Raiders win the Superbowl. I'm free Super Sunday if you want to offload the 2nd ticket.
  13. erynthered has the reddest arabic script of anyone in a sig line. it's so arabic i don;t know what it says. and that is quite clever.
  14. OK - I didn't immediately read in the racist angle. I mainly read in the injustice angle - which I didn't wholly buy.
  15. It's not clear to me why (if the testimony at the time was that the girl was consentual and initiated) the jury didn't acquit. There is something not said in the ESPN article. Basically - this is a bit of a tearaway kid who smoked dope and drank and shagged girls at the age of 17 (and younger presumably) whom we are being asked to look favourably on because someday he might have had a chance to play pro football, or at the least Division 1 College football? I don't agree that on the balance of the ESPN article he should be doing time, but all I am saying is that something is off with the stance they take. Just because he plays football doesn't mean there is no fire where there is smoke.
  16. Yes on all counts.
  17. Ok - thanks for the comments. I think you're all right. It stinks. Ah well - I just proved why I am not paid to do this kind of thing. Still - it was a fun thing to try to do.
  18. http://www.nickandjulia.com/ploggertest/im...oncept-logo.gif http://www.nickandjulia.com/ploggertest/im...logo-helmet.gif images without login
  19. Hey - I just posted a Bills logo concept on Sportslogos.net. http://boards.sportslogos.net/index.php?showtopic=45675 What do you all think?
  20. OK which Leon Hall wouldd you rather go for: Fashion Leon Hall Professor Leon Hall Agricultural Leon Hall Jewellery Leon Hall Dead Leon Hall Ponce de Leon Hall
  21. Wedding Cake Okoye Soccer Okoye Singing Okoye Need I go on?
  22. That sounds like a Challenge....
  23. This one? Alan Branch This one? Alan Branch (with added benefit of helping arrange logistics for away games) Alan Branch with experience of coordinating DVD compilations of Southern Alps Ski Club
  24. Thanks, a Rico, for bringing us a Mel Kiper view. I always value the drafniks opinion, perhaps a Promo the Robot could be one? Otherwise an Ed. A Nick? Perhaps? Maybe some English? Who knows. Drafting is inexact. If I were the Bills I would go for a Leon Hall - perhaps a Leon Hall from Springfield, MO - or a Leon Hall from El Paso, TX. Either one would be good. That's of course if a Leon Hall from Liberty Hill, SC is taken already. These Leon Halls are good. All of them.
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